E-Mail Address |
MOTL UserName (Refs) |
Date Added |
Deal Type |
Deal Value |
1 | thiago_o_unico@yahoo.com | Alucard-15 (9) | 09/01/2002 | Sold | > $100 |
Comments: He cheat me!!!!!!!!!!!!! That mother ****er!!!!!!!!!!!! Donīt trade with him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Response: I dunno what happened to this guy. I'm trying to talk to him. |
5 | aquos@ig.com.br | | 07/03/2002 | Traded | $50 - $100 |
5 | arthur_sampaio@hotmail.com | | 04/04/2002 | Traded | $20 - $50 |
5 | baroncrovax@zipmail.com.br | Baron Crovax (2) | 06/04/2002 | Traded | $50 - $100 |
5 | cacksooker@hotmail.com | r0cheb0y (Banned) | 04/05/2002 | Traded | $20 - $50 |
5 | cardsmania@bol.com.br | FLPKrmo (0) | 08/27/2002 | Traded | < $5 |
Comments: Good trader |
5 | cartman-ba@ig.com.br | | 09/15/2001 | Traded | $50 - $100 |
5 | chank83@hotmail.com | LostCause (2) | 03/22/2002 | Traded | $20 - $50 |
Comments: Good - Will trade with again |
5 | daddy13@bol.com.br | Processor (1) | 01/21/2002 | Traded | $50 - $100 |
5 | dudugoldstein@ieg.com | | 08/19/2001 | Traded | > $100 |
Comments: Good trader... Very fast...  |
5 | fct_23@hotmail.com | FCT_23 (Banned) | 01/28/2002 | Traded | $20 - $50 |
Comments: Vary fast. Good Trader. |
5 | fezil@bol.com.br | Fezil (1) | 03/02/2002 | Traded | $50 - $100 |
5 | flametongue@bol.com.br | Igor Wollny (7) | 08/28/2002 | Traded | $20 - $50 |
Comments: Itīs a very good trader, fast and correct |
5 | fujipbl@mtv.com.br | | 06/04/2002 | Traded | > $100 |
Comments: Cassati is a very good trader |
5 | gerard_motl@hotmail.com | gerard (Banned) | 01/15/2002 | Traded | $20 - $50 |
5 | gohanson@globo.com | MAJINVEGETA (7) | 08/26/2001 | Traded | > $100 |
Comments: That was a big trade, dont occurried any Problems, and fast. |
5 | graviola@flamenguista.com.br | Brasilia (2) | 08/17/2001 | Traded | > $100 |
Comments: He is a very nice guy!!! |
5 | grevenrules@hotmail.com | grevenrules (65) | 06/12/2004 | Bought | > $100 |
Comments: Nice guy. Fast shipping. 110% trustworthy. |
5 | guilhermess@terra.com.br | | 07/04/2002 | Traded | > $100 |
5 | guizonatto@mailbr.com.br | Ashen (0) | 01/27/2002 | Traded | > $100 |
5 | gunther@netuno.com.br | | 09/15/2001 | Bought | > $100 |
5 | ingwe@bol.com.br | Zuberio (1) | 09/12/2001 | Traded | < $5 |
5 | ivan.lobato@globo.com | IvanLobato (8) | 08/28/2002 | Traded | $50 - $100 |
Comments: Cards in perfect condition. I would trade again with him. |
4 | ivanivcec@yahoo.com | ivanivcec (99) | 01/05/2002 | Bought | $50 - $100 |
Comments: Everything was OK with trade, but he didn't reply to my refcheck for more than 30 days! Response: I was without PC...But he doesn't believe... |
5 | jazumi2000@hotmail.com | jazumi2000 (128) | 09/04/2001 | Traded | $5 - $20 |
Comments: Smooth trade - A+++ |
5 | kharn5@hotmail.com | jonh mag (23) | 09/01/2002 | Traded | > $100 |
Comments: Excellent trader send the cads very fast and safety,i liked trade cards with that guy. |
5 | leooonardo@hotmail.com | | 06/04/2002 | Traded | > $100 |
5 | locos@oceanfree.net | | 06/02/2002 | Bought | $50 - $100 |
5 | looter15@hotmail.com | Looter (35) | 08/27/2002 | Traded | $20 - $50 |
Comments: Great trader!!!! Fast and correct!!! |
5 | lucasgambin@bol.com.br | Luchesi (5) | 01/18/2002 | Traded | > $100 |
Comments: very good trader...  |
5 | lucio@zavadivker.com.ar;dbournot@promail.com.ar | | 08/17/2001 | Traded | > $100 |
Comments: Nice cards. All in mint condition, Well packaged. Highly recommended!!! A++++++++++++ |
5 | magictrade@bol.com.br | Hasek (8) | 08/27/2002 | Traded | $50 - $100 |
Comments: FAST!!! |
5 | matt5684@aol.com | | 03/02/2002 | Traded | > $100 |
Comments: Fast Service, Great Card Quality, Highly Recommended. |
4 | miltonvasquez@hotmail.com | | 06/02/2002 | Bought | $5 - $20 |
5 | namir@brasilnet.net | | 09/16/2001 | Bought | > $100 |
5 | nebrindil@mtgonline.org | Nebrindil (3) | 03/24/2002 | Traded | $5 - $20 |
5 | nfljeff@yahoo.com | Jeff8810 (64) | 10/04/2001 | Traded | $20 - $50 |
Comments: well-packaged and on time |
5 | norb213@hotmail.com | The WORST ever (0) | 06/03/2002 | Traded | $5 - $20 |
Comments: great trader! A+++ |
5 | paulo_vitord@hotmail.com | | 06/02/2002 | Traded | $50 - $100 |
5 | pixez@zipmail.com.br | | 03/24/2002 | Traded | $20 - $50 |
5 | potimtg@hotmail.com | Poti (1) | 06/04/2002 | Traded | $20 - $50 |
Comments: He is funniest man! |
5 | pulga2@brfree.com.br | pulga (57) | 08/28/2001 | Traded | $20 - $50 |
Comments: very good trader will trade again |
5 | pulpeternity@yahoo.com | pulpeternity (126) | 03/11/2002 | Traded | $5 - $20 |
5 | pyro@onda.com.br | | 09/15/2001 | Traded | > $100 |
4 | rogerio_judge@hotmail.com | | 06/02/2002 | Traded | $20 - $50 |
5 | rpossama@terra.com.br | Agent-X (47) | 08/21/2001 | Traded | > $100 |
Comments: He's very good trader.. send cards on time..perfect condition..you can trust him!!! |
5 | sekiji@bol.com.br | | 09/15/2001 | Traded | $50 - $100 |
5 | snitch@id.ru | VOTAN (23) | 04/07/2003 | Bought | $5 - $20 |
Comments: Correct & nice man. Will trade with him again. |
5 | ummotl@hotmail.com | MarioCravinhos (Banned) | 08/27/2002 | Traded | $50 - $100 |
Comments: Awesome trader! would deal with again for sure. |
5 | undergndusa@yahoo.com | Underground_Brazil (52) | 01/27/2002 | Traded | > $100 |
Comments: Excellent trader. ! |
5 | virdie@hotmail.com | Lucioman (108) | 01/13/2002 | Traded | > $100 |
Comments: An excellent trader, good person, I recommend to trade with him. A+++++++ |
5 | younguelber@zipmail.com.br | | 06/05/2002 | Traded | $20 - $50 |
Comments: 100% good trader .no problens |