JMG021283's Reference List
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Ratings Table
JMG021283's Average Rating: 5
5 Excellent trader.
4 Good trader.
3 OK trader.
2 Poor trader.
1 Bad trader.
For more info on how references are checked, click here.
Confirmed: 17
MOTL Refs: 12
Denied: 0
Unconfirmed*: 0
Total: 17
*Unconfirmed references are those that have not yet received responses and thus should not be used to determine the honesty of their owner.

  Send e-mail to 10 randomly selected, confirmed references.

  E-Mail Address MOTL UserName (Refs) Date Added Deal Type Deal Value 09/29/2009Traded< $5 07/20/2008Traded$20 - $50
Comments: excellent trader! will do buisness with again! and again, and again... 10/17/2011Bought$20 - $50
Comments: A great seller whom I'd be more than happy to buy from again! Thanks
5crimpedmiscut@gmail.comTha Gunslinga (1563)09/28/2009Sold$5 - $20
5davetradint@gmail.comDavetradint (20)05/24/2009Traded> $100
Comments: We traded 4x Japanese Imp.Recruiter, 4x Force of will and many RV Dual lands, everything PERFECT!!!
5disposablehero15@hotmail.comReggie-X (68)09/22/2009Traded$50 - $100
Comments: Great guy, awesome trader! 05/10/2008Traded$20 - $50
Comments: Very nice guy, easy to trade with, Recieved instantly A++++++
5jimminyjillickrs@hotmail.comiheartp9 (162)09/08/2008Traded$50 - $100
Comments: I third partied with jmg and the cards arrived packaged well and in a timely manner.
5johnregula@hotmail.comthegameisnowover (Banned)01/09/2005Traded$50 - $100
Comments: A+++ got to me in great speed
5kai@magicbuylist.comDivergent_Enterprises (46)11/08/2004Traded> $100
Comments: Awsome trader. He has been very understanding about our trade and very cool. A+.
5killig1891@gmail.comk illig (91)06/07/2008Traded$50 - $100
Comments: Altered a Force for me. It is great! Great trader and artist!
5pyromaster@gmail.compyr0ma5ta (Banned)06/06/2008Traded$5 - $20
5senuixam85@yahoo.comrubY (Banned)10/09/2004Traded$50 - $100
Comments: Fast trade. Would trade w/ again.
5souladvocate@yahoo.comSouladvocate (442)10/22/2008Traded$5 - $20
Comments: Look forward to trading with again sometime. =)
5spacevenjin@hotmail.comValkryie_Guru (128)10/06/2009Traded$5 - $20
5super.miaou@gmail.comMiaou (395)06/10/2008Traded> $100
Comments: Traded a FBB Sea to him. Great communication and fast shipping. Thanks!
5sxe_4e_dave@yahoo.comstudderingdave (74)11/18/2004Traded$50 - $100
Comments: Great trader, excellent communication.
5teferi117@yahoo.comScruffy1973 (404)03/21/2010Sold> $100
Comments: Great to deal with!
5thesean@neo.rr.comThe_Sean (1)11/07/2004Traded$20 - $50
Comments: An excellent trader, very fast shipping.
5ultrablade@sbcglobal.netAgent X (Banned)05/24/2008Traded> $100
Comments: Higher recomended! Very Fair and friendly. Would do business with again. Very satisfied!
5vinceherman@yahoo.comVinceHerman (38)10/18/2004Traded$50 - $100
Comments: Perfect transaction. Perfect communication. Perfect shiping protection. Highly recommend. A+
5yellow_amoeba@yahoo.comFeahterBlade (Banned)10/11/2004Traded$5 - $20

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