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Psycho_Show's Reference List
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Ratings Table
Psycho_Show's Average Rating: 5
5 Excellent trader.
4 Good trader.
3 OK trader.
2 Poor trader.
1 Bad trader.
For more info on how references are checked, click here.
Confirmed: 16
MOTL Refs: 16
Denied: 0
Unconfirmed*: 0
Total: 16
*Unconfirmed references are those that have not yet received responses and thus should not be used to determine the honesty of their owner.

  Send e-mail to 10 randomly selected, confirmed references.

  E-Mail Address MOTL UserName (Refs) Date Added Deal Type Deal Value
5aeleous@icloud.comJD (55)02/28/2004Traded$5 - $20
Comments: Excellent Trader.
5changac2000@yahoo.comRootwater Thief (133)11/20/2003Traded$20 - $50
Comments: Good trader, received cards on time
5chaos021@gmail.comchaos021 (321)03/31/2005Traded$5 - $20
5darth_korriban@hotmail.comDarth Korriban (4)10/31/2003Traded$20 - $50
Comments: Great Trade. Fast, friendly, and cards were in good condition A+ for first trade
5emperor.caligula@gmail.commayhem (Banned)06/23/2004Traded$5 - $20
5erichorn24@aol.comertaiJ1 (Banned)01/01/2005Traded$20 - $50
Comments: A+
5jesseslover@gmail.comSlovig (5)10/27/2007Traded$5 - $20
Comments: A++ Great International Trader
5jshields@vt.edujshields (258)11/06/2008Traded$50 - $100
Comments: i hope you enjoy the cards!!!!
5lucky5aces@hotmail.comlucky5aces (34)11/08/2003Traded$50 - $100
Comments: Great trader. Would recomend to anyone. A real asset to motl.
5magicgrrl18@yahoo.commagicgrrl18 (310)03/16/2004Traded$50 - $100
Comments: We did a big trade and all went smoothly. Great trader!
5michaelkurz31@gmail.commikeyk135 (122)12/07/2007Traded$5 - $20
Comments: No issues. Great trader!
5moggle45@hotmail.commoggle45 (32)02/01/2005Traded$5 - $20
Comments: Took a little bit longer than expected due to a problem in the mail, other than that great trader!
5n.carlos@xrs.netAtomic-Monkey (55)01/11/2005Traded$5 - $20
5orangecountyloser2001@yahoo.comloser124368 (71)11/09/2003Traded> $100
Comments: Great trader. Sent quickly. Would definately trade with again. Thanks for all the great cards.
5remember27@yahoo.comshoprider (171)11/11/2007Traded$5 - $20
Comments: good
5rsolow@comcast.netrsolow (154)02/15/2005Traded$20 - $50
Comments: AAA++++ everything went smoothly
5treeguyplus@gmail.comiada (Banned)01/19/2008Traded$50 - $100
5ty.gardner@snow.edugopherus (75)11/11/2003Traded$20 - $50
Comments: A great United States/Canada trade. Highly reccommended.
5wombulator@hotmail.comwombulator (240)12/06/2007Traded$20 - $50
Comments: Good times

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