TimeBeing's Reference List
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Ratings Table
TimeBeing's Average Rating: 5
5 Excellent trader.
4 Good trader.
3 OK trader.
2 Poor trader.
1 Bad trader.
For more info on how references are checked, click here.
Confirmed: 19
MOTL Refs: 16
Denied: 0
Unconfirmed*: 0
Total: 19
*Unconfirmed references are those that have not yet received responses and thus should not be used to determine the honesty of their owner.

  Send e-mail to 10 randomly selected, confirmed references.

  E-Mail Address MOTL UserName (Refs) Date Added Deal Type Deal Value
5adamsweenor@gmail.comTheGame (50)08/13/2006Other> $100
Comments: Sold my collection of Star Wars cards to him. All was wonderful.
5bronxbombers4lyf@aol.comThe Forsaken (265)05/24/2005Sold$50 - $100
Comments: Very fast payment!! Sent him the cards and he notified me upon their arrival to exchange refs. A+++MOTLer. Would do business again with him anytime.
5crimpedmiscut@gmail.comTha Gunslinga (1563)07/19/2006Sold$5 - $20
5d.matthew.oliver@gmail.commoliver (146)07/05/2006Traded$5 - $20
Comments: A++ trader... let's hook up again for another
5davebour20@hotmail.comarmyguy120 (0)05/05/2004Traded> $100
Comments: Cards exactly as described, Fast shipping!! Definitely a trustworthy and reliable trader with big trades!
5egghead18@aol.comGFD18 (41)11/14/2006Sold$20 - $50
Comments: Good communication
5gloriasn@gmail.comMr.Volrath (Banned)06/29/2005Traded$20 - $50
5krytlee@gmail.comThe Foilmonger (1222)06/12/2004Traded$20 - $50
Comments: TimeBeing is a great trader. Quick and easy communication and a fast sender and great professional packer. I would trade with him again. He's a super nice dude too!
5lhommex@yahoo.comLhommeX (75)08/04/2005Traded$50 - $100
Comments: I forgot to add a comment so here I go: Perfect trader and, unless you want the moon, he will find the cards you want. [Updated 08/07/2005]
5lordshdwwolf@aol.comLordShadowWolF (0)12/01/2004Sold$50 - $100
Comments: Great pleasure to do business with. Would gladly do again.
5nariconinc@gmail.comNaricon Inc (284)04/24/2006Sold$20 - $50
Comments: Everything went smoothly. Looking forward to doing business again.
5olliehighzero1@hotmail.comolliehighzero (39)08/19/2004Traded$50 - $100
Comments: Recieved all 3 cards fast, and in better condition than stated! Great trader!
5polszews@hotmail.comdicemanxx (126)02/05/2009Sold> $100
Comments: A+ trader!
5porkuslime@yahoo.comporkuslime (14)06/27/2006Sold$20 - $50
Comments: Good communicator, generous dude!
5shade20x6@aol.comshade2k1 (463)05/17/2006Sold< $5
5sidiciouslibel@lycos.comvoodooglowskull (60)05/24/2005Sold$5 - $20
Comments: payment receive super fast, no problems at all, highly recommended A+++
5sryan0079@yahoo.comsryan0079 (64)03/16/2006Sold$20 - $50
Comments: smoothe transaction
5steve.mcmurray@rogers.comJabberched (32)08/10/2005Traded$5 - $20
Comments: Good Trader !
5tbu5h@hotmail.comThe Trout (55)09/02/2004Traded$5 - $20
Comments: good trade!
5yume_moto@yahoo.ca 05/08/2010Sold$20 - $50

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