E-Mail Address |
MOTL UserName (Refs) |
Date Added |
Deal Type |
Deal Value |
5 | animalhouse166@hotmail.com | AnimalHouse166 (19) | 07/09/2001 | Traded | $5 - $20 |
Comments: Great trader would trade again with fast turnaround |
5 | ardivankoolwijk@home.nl | ardi (72) | 07/06/2001 | Traded | $5 - $20 |
Comments: good trader |
5 | bphill561@yahoo.com | bphill561 (23) | 06/21/2001 | Traded | < $5 |
Comments: Great cards, Fast Delivery, Will Trade with again |
5 | bryan85_motl@yahoo.com | bryan85 (13) | 07/11/2002 | Traded | $5 - $20 |
Comments: Great packaging and fast delivery.Great trader =) |
5 | c.ardiller@wanadoo.fr | ClaudeARDILLER (215) | 09/04/2001 | Traded | $20 - $50 |
Comments: Excellent international trader, will definitely trade again with. |
5 | coolchic_1982@yahoo.co.uk | BloodPet1 (233) | 08/30/2001 | Traded | $5 - $20 |
Comments: Reliable, honest and fast trader. Would trade with again. |
5 | dartharcanis_0705@hotmail.com | sawa_boon (Banned) | 06/26/2002 | Traded | $5 - $20 |
Comments: recommended trader |
5 | dickson333@hongkong.com | icefire (Banned) | 10/30/2002 | Traded | $5 - $20 |
Comments: will trade again |
5 | drazen.jezidzic@vk.htnet.hr | shu-pac (41) | 12/13/2002 | Traded | $5 - $20 |
Comments: Excellent trader! He showed a lot of patience! A+++++ |
5 | dui87@hotmail.com | Dui (Banned) | 08/24/2001 | Traded | $5 - $20 |
Comments: REAL good trader+patient. A+++ |
5 | farmer@clear-cxn.net | Who (15) | 08/25/2001 | Traded | $5 - $20 |
Comments: Great trader, sent quickly. |
5 | filip.cec@ri.htnet.hr | Filip Cec (268) | 07/17/2001 | Traded | $20 - $50 |
Comments: Great trader, I hope I'll trade with him againg.... |
5 | flipmasta33@yahoo.com | yuigig (46) | 03/14/2003 | Traded | $5 - $20 |
Comments: nice trader, would deal with again |
5 | gloriasn@gmail.com | Mr.Volrath (367) | 08/04/2001 | Traded | $5 - $20 |
Comments:  |
5 | irate_irascible@hotmail.com | Irate (57) | 08/28/2001 | Traded | $5 - $20 |
5 | kaiju@adelphia.om | M@ssive (20) | 11/04/2002 | Traded | $5 - $20 |
Comments: Thanks again, great trader, will trade again. |
5 | ktolman65@hotmail.com | ktolman65 (27) | 07/17/2001 | Traded | $5 - $20 |
Comments: Great trader. Highly recommended... |
5 | lohmartin@hotmail.com | Mohamart (4) | 09/23/2002 | Traded | $5 - $20 |
Comments: Great trader. Cards arrived promptly and in excellent condition. Recommended. |
5 | oegoenman@hotmail.com | hurricane16 (103) | 07/08/2001 | Traded | $5 - $20 |
Comments: Great trader!! |
5 | peter.hauk@fh-vie.ac.at | hAuKi (80) | 03/16/2003 | Traded | $5 - $20 |
Comments: Nice & quick trader, defenitely recommended. |
5 | pmt@maltanet.net | patmiftom (26) | 08/05/2001 | Traded | $20 - $50 |
Comments: excellent trader A++++ |
5 | rpg.master@sympatico.ca | tolarian_drake (23) | 07/18/2001 | Traded | $5 - $20 |
Comments: supertrader!!!! A++++++++++++++++ |
5 | saccomatto@yahoo.com | eye (187) | 09/15/2001 | Traded | < $5 |
Comments: he is ok |
5 | yap_yoke_leong@hotmail.com | aucklandtrader (33) | 08/04/2001 | Traded | $5 - $20 |
Comments: fast shipping, funny guy, excellant trader, recommended. |
5 | zack_zoll@yahoo.com | jean_genie (48) | 09/06/2001 | Traded | $5 - $20 |
Comments: Sent very quickly |
5 | zmija@adelphia.net | zmija (178) | 06/27/2001 | Traded | $5 - $20 |