crazyhbazn69's Reference List
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Ratings Table
crazyhbazn69's Average Rating: 4.93
5 Excellent trader.
4 Good trader.
3 OK trader.
2 Poor trader.
1 Bad trader.
For more info on how references are checked, click here.
Confirmed: 32
MOTL Refs: 30
Denied: 0
Unconfirmed*: 0
Total: 32
*Unconfirmed references are those that have not yet received responses and thus should not be used to determine the honesty of their owner.

  Send e-mail to 10 randomly selected, confirmed references.

  E-Mail Address MOTL UserName (Refs) Date Added Deal Type Deal Value
5afieverknown@hotmail.combleed black (Banned)03/17/2005Bought$20 - $50
Comments: excellent seller. quick shipping and keeps in great touch. would buy from again
5bigmike@d8apro.combigmp7777 (52)05/05/2005Sold> $100
Comments: Excellent all around... Highly Recommended
5cleber_mtg@hotmail.comHamtaroX19 (Banned)04/19/2005Bought> $100
Comments: I've bought beta power 9! A++! (228)03/02/2005Bought$50 - $100
Comments: I received the card within fairly good time with excellent communication. Thank-you. A+.
5dannibal@magictraders.comDannibal (464)03/28/2005Other> $100
Comments: Multiple P9 third party's
5dj501@fastwebnet.itdj501 (50)04/06/2005Bought> $100
Comments: bought 900+ of power cards. Everything ok raccomanded!!!
5gloriasn@gmail.comMr.Volrath (Banned)03/18/2005Bought> $100
Comments: A $630 deal. Trustable, and have good communication during the transaction [Updated 04/24/2007] (490)06/21/2005Bought$20 - $50
Comments: Excellent trader ! Good communication ! A+++++
5ill_looking_man@yahoo.comill_looking_man (57)04/22/2005Bought$5 - $20
Comments: Worked with me, Sent Super Fast & Easy to Deal with, Highly Recommended
5jcook@emaple.netFaberin (14)05/26/2005Bought$5 - $20
Comments: Fast shipment, will do business with anytime!
5jjvogre@aol.comogre (336)06/12/2005Bought> $100
Comments: all went well even during motl's crash. thanx again for the alpha shivan, jdog
5jshields@vt.edujshields (258)04/09/2005Bought> $100
Comments: great deal on the cards I got - shipping was a bit overpriced, but the over all value was worth it
5juicedjinn@yahoo.comjuicedjinn (10)03/09/2005Bought$20 - $50
Comments: Cool deal.
5karl_andrew2000@hotmail.comthatoneguy (1)06/15/2005Bought> $100
Comments: great trader i will trade with this man again.
5kherdey@gmail.comKherdey (221)06/10/2005Bought> $100
Comments: First big trade, surely not the last !
5killerbee317@gmail.comxSoulXReaverx (20)05/11/2005Traded< $5
Comments: awesome trader...quick transaction
5ktjw25@hotmail.comZeNeRo (11)03/24/2005Bought$50 - $100
Comments: Smooth Transaction, Nice person to have deals with, Great to know him. Highly recommended!
5lasse@engineer.comGrimSky (59)04/09/2005Bought$20 - $50
Comments: Fast shipping, superb packaging, Beautiful mint card. Nice guy too.
5leeroy@seznam.czLeeroy (51)04/05/2005Bought> $100
Comments: Absolutely smoothly going Mox Sapphire trade - highly recommended!
5maidenman3@hotmail.commaidenman2 (71)03/19/2005Bought> $100
Comments: #1 trader! really quick shipping and card in great shape! thanx for the library!
5mbaker763@hotmail.commatt808 (33)03/01/2005Traded$20 - $50
Comments: Good trader, Cards were not graded correctly however, transaction went well otherwise.
5mdesquilbet68@hotmail.comMat68 (47)03/08/2005Bought$5 - $20
Comments: Great trader and good communication !!! A+++
5mefrench@gmail.comMichael French (503)06/13/2005Traded> $100
Comments: Got a workshop off him
5niegrzybowski@gmail.comOzyrys (17)06/11/2005Bought> $100
5peterson.stanley@gmail.comhippiedance (127)04/19/2005Bought> $100
5psychicassassin@gmail.comKokusho (Banned)03/24/2005Bought> $100
Comments: Trustworthy. Send +$1000 first for Beta P9 to deal with him. [Updated 03/30/2005]
5rustyshakelfurt@hotmail.comRevolver_Ocelot (7)04/27/2005Bought> $100
Comments: Great trader, would deff trade with again. Great guy, great card! 06/18/2005Bought> $100
5s_kusters@yahoo.comS_Kusters (Banned)05/25/2005Bought> $100
5seanvokirkpatrick@gmail.comantipode3141592 (68)06/20/2005Bought$50 - $100
Comments: Very fast transaction, and good communication. Would like to deal with again.
5shadowarchon@gmail.comShadowArchon (34)03/25/2005Bought> $100
Comments: Excellent and honest trader. Cards were in stated condition and came very fast. Would love to trade with him again. Highly Recommended!
5sorrowscards@sbcglobal.netSorrow (187)04/10/2005Bought$50 - $100
Comments: Amazing trader. I sent first with 148 refs. Thanks again.
5soup2@hotmail.comMorby (5)03/07/2005Bought$50 - $100
Comments: Quick delivery, great communication.
5super.miaou@gmail.comMiaou (395)03/05/2005Bought> $100
Comments: 2 deals so far. One including a BE Black Lotus! Very honest and trustworthy. Thanks ^_^ [Updated 03/22/2005]
3teri95@bellsouth.netRS (1)06/21/2005Bought> $100
5thatscenekid@yahoo.comemokid (11)04/17/2005Bought$20 - $50
Comments: got cards fast. good sale.
5wiitigous@yahoo.comwiitigous (16)04/13/2005Bought> $100
Comments: Beta Lotus bought, would deal with him anytime!

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