dunil's Reference List
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Ratings Table
dunil's Average Rating: 5
5 Excellent trader.
4 Good trader.
3 OK trader.
2 Poor trader.
1 Bad trader.
For more info on how references are checked, click here.
Confirmed: 55
MOTL Refs: 45
Denied: 0
Unconfirmed*: 0
Total: 55
*Unconfirmed references are those that have not yet received responses and thus should not be used to determine the honesty of their owner.

  Send e-mail to 10 randomly selected, confirmed references.

  E-Mail Address MOTL UserName (Refs) Date Added Deal Type Deal Value
5adamliniscus@gmail.com 02/10/2012Bought$20 - $50
5aguson@gmail.comargus (159)12/05/2002Traded$5 - $20
5alexisambrunn@noos.frdragsamou (74)12/20/2005Bought$20 - $50
Comments: Perfect Deal between France and Finland.Very Nice Seller.Fast Service.Thanks.
5allgenx@yahoo.comderwille (12)04/21/2011Bought> $100
Comments: perfect seller, fast shipping^^
5amaff05@hotmail.comvertigo525 (172)01/20/2005Sold> $100
Comments: Sent payment fast. Thanks!!
5andy_ferrell@hotmail.comBirds Nest (68)04/06/2005Sold$50 - $100
Comments: Great buyer! Paid promtly and accurately. Thanks!
5benbuhler69@gmail.comBenBuhlar (73)11/18/2004Sold$20 - $50
Comments: Great Buyer thanks!
5bertie312@free.frbertie312 (Banned)01/11/2011Bought> $100
Comments: Easy To deal with on 2.000$ Buy
5braves54321@gmail.combraves54321 (450)01/03/2006Sold> $100
Comments: $1000+ deal, went smoothly.
5crimpedmiscut@gmail.comTha Gunslinga (1563)02/25/2005Sold> $100
Comments: Ideal buyer. Responded to emails quickly, paid promptly, and communicated well. If everyone was like this guy, MOTL would be heaven.
5d_lyngberg-pedersen@hotmail.comDaniel Pedersen (21)02/10/2005Traded> $100
Comments: Great Trader.. Will trade again..
5derekfai@gmail.com@~Fai~@ (231)03/10/2005Sold$50 - $100
Comments: A+++
5dmasip@gmail.com 05/07/2012Bought> $100
Comments: Excellent seller and communication. Very recommended!
5dooku390@hotmail.com 01/10/2012Bought> $100
Comments: Bought about $3,000 worth of Beta duals from Anssi. Great seller! A+++!
5erichorn24@aol.comertaiJ1 (Banned)05/04/2002Traded$20 - $50
Comments: A+
5fandycendrawira@hotmail.comCendrawira (31)08/17/2006Sold> $100
5fmh1981@gmail.comFredrik Haugen (152)07/23/2004Sold$50 - $100
Comments: Fast payment and easy comunication. A+
5fratelli@starhub.net.sgfratelli (127)04/25/2002Sold$50 - $100
Comments: Fast payment and great guy too
5gloriasn@gmail.comMr.Volrath (Banned)08/16/2004Sold> $100
5golgarispawn@gmail.com 02/06/2012Bought> $100
Comments: Excellent seller, bought a mox emerald and it arrived in sy
5grandeur84motl@yahoo.com.sggrandeur84 (490)04/12/2006Sold> $100
Comments: Excellent trader. Prompt payment , great transaction! Thanks!
5grosblob@hotmail.comGrosBlob (23)03/02/2006Traded> $100
Comments: Perfect trader: strict grading, great communication and quick shipping ! A pleasure. thanks !
5helen_d1279@hotmail.comMoose Man (Banned)03/31/2005Sold> $100
5i_set_fire@yahoo.com 02/01/2011Traded> $100
Comments: Fast communication, fair valuer, cards in stated condition. Asset to MOTL!
5ihateworking@gmail.comIhateworking (145)12/28/2010Bought$20 - $50
Comments: Awesome Trader who sent quickly from Europe! He is a great guy with a great collection
5ivansoup@yahoo.comivansoup (101)08/03/2004Sold> $100
Comments: Great motl user. Would do business w/ again. A++
5jarkko_kyllonen@hotmail.comJeikki (63)06/15/2004Sold> $100
Comments: Everything went fine.
5jazumi2000@hotmail.comjazumi2000 (219)09/30/2006Sold> $100
Comments: Perfect!
5jones.matty@gmail.comfitch4235 (21)03/02/2006Traded$20 - $50
Comments: perfect trade, would like deal with you again anytime.
5joonasrautiola@hotmail.comfinnishguy (34)11/23/2002Traded$20 - $50
Comments: VERY fast and honest trader. excellent communication. recommended!
5kbloodslear@gmail.com 12/29/2010Traded$20 - $50
Comments: Great communication and smooth trade!
5keitar0_kun@yahoo.comRaynar (453)12/30/2005Sold> $100
Comments: fast payment without any complaints. thanks
5l.h.c.kusters@student.tue.nlCyberknight (Banned)12/06/2002Bought> $100
Comments: Bought an UNL Lotus from him. Everything went great
5mariano_facchini@yahoo.com.arKuleron (281)09/16/2004Traded$50 - $100
Comments: great trader... very honest!
5marxj@aon.atlod-aut (120)04/02/2002Sold> $100
Comments: A pleasure to deal with
5matt.lanaro@hotmail.comTechno (207)12/08/2004Sold> $100
5mefrench@gmail.comMichael French (503)05/01/2006Traded> $100
Comments: Thanks for the deal!
5mithmtg@gmail.commith (96)08/31/2004Traded$20 - $50
Comments: Great trader! Fast shipping!
5motl@apathyhouse.com 06/11/2005Traded$20 - $50
Comments: Awesome trader! Thanx!
5motl@argivian.comArgivian (39)08/23/2006Sold> $100
5noah@mtgcardmarket.com 04/05/2012Bought> $100
5nyy_bronxbombers@hotmail.comLouisboy (245)12/28/2005Sold$50 - $100
Comments: excellent buyer! prompt shipment, recommended to all!
5oleg77@freemail.huoleg (4)06/15/2004Traded> $100
Comments: We had a trade with Power cards. Everything was fine. Great trader! AAA+++
5paupin@accovia.comBlackCollector (253)11/01/2004Sold> $100
Comments: Wonderfull buyer. Paid really fast, great communication. Really friendly. A+++
5psych0meter@hotmail.comPhyrexian Angel (291)01/14/2005Sold> $100
5rafael.colton@gmail.comBilly Bones (82)10/19/2006Sold> $100
Comments: Great buyer, paid quickly, wonderful to negotiate with. Would love to deal with again. Thanks!!
5risto_pievilainen@hotmail.comZebir (28)11/18/2002Traded$20 - $50
5rlessmann@gmx.depickle69 (71)11/30/2004Traded> $100
Comments: perfect, fast, save!
5rosenhec@fas.harvard.educooberp (45)01/05/2003Bought$5 - $20
5s.orbelli@virgilio.itsimo_74 (136)04/18/2012Bought$50 - $100
Comments: Great comunication... AAA++
5s_kusters@yahoo.comS_Kusters (Banned)02/05/2006Sold> $100
5sirlief@gmail.comSirLief (33)04/13/2005Sold> $100
5super.miaou@gmail.comMiaou (395)12/29/2002Traded$20 - $50
Comments: Great trader very trustworthy
5the_sparc@hotmail.com 04/28/2012Bought$20 - $50
5theeternalsilence@hotmail.comxingchen (55)06/04/2002Sold> $100
Comments: Great Buyer! Fast Payment! A+
5thiago.calcas@gmail.comNatsume_Shin (18)08/28/2006Sold> $100
Comments: Very nice guy!
5vandal08@yahoo.comMoxCrystal (79)11/02/2004Sold> $100
Comments: Perfect transaction, great to deal with A+++
5whodeydave545@yahoo.com 06/19/2012Bought$50 - $100
5wiitigous@yahoo.comwiitigous (16)03/23/2005Bought> $100
Comments: Excellent and fast trader, reliable day after day.
5wilirene@telus.netwilandirene (370)12/19/2005Sold> $100
Comments: Thanks for the purchase!
5yifeng3010@gmail.comMTDetermine (347)03/22/2012Bought> $100
Comments: Great, $2000+ deal, no problem!

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