jasongerke's Reference List
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Ratings Table
jasongerke's Average Rating: 4.52
5 Excellent trader.
4 Good trader.
3 OK trader.
2 Poor trader.
1 Bad trader.
For more info on how references are checked, click here.
Confirmed: 59
MOTL Refs: 44
Denied: 0
Unconfirmed*: 0
Total: 59
*Unconfirmed references are those that have not yet received responses and thus should not be used to determine the honesty of their owner.

  Send e-mail to 10 randomly selected, confirmed references.

  E-Mail Address MOTL UserName (Refs) Date Added Deal Type Deal Value
4acwillier@gmail.comOdie (344)06/03/2000  
5ajcrowner@gmail.comandyc (45)09/21/2002Sold$20 - $50
Comments: Nice Guy. Everything went perfect... A+++
5akademikstyle@aol.comMagickid (3)07/10/2002Sold< $5
Comments: Great trader, fast responses! A++++
5amitarora@calmail.berkeley.eduErtai4 (108)08/09/2002Sold$5 - $20
Comments: Great buyer, would deal with again, A+
5andy60234@yahoo.commanadweller (95)09/16/2002Traded$20 - $50
Comments: great trader!
4anthonyadair1@gmail.comanthony (129)05/19/2002Traded$5 - $20
5appiration@hotmail.comAppiration (90)05/15/2002Sold$5 - $20
Comments: Pleasure to do business with.
5ary@andrew.cmu.eduhoss (Banned)08/23/2002Sold$5 - $20
Comments: Just an overall great buyer. Not to mention just a great guy to talk to. Thanks
5ashipman@cfl.rr.comshippy1 (57)02/27/2001Traded$20 - $50
Comments: Excellent trader
5atogkeeper@yahoo.comatogkeeper (7)08/24/2002Sold$20 - $50
Comments: a+++
4beer16@hotmail.comprimordialsyrup (35)07/19/2000  
Comments: good quick trader
5billtriesagain@hotmail.comhick182 (7)09/01/2002Sold$20 - $50
Comments: Agreeable sending conditions and sent quickly. Would trade with again.
4catalyst127@aol.comCatalyst (4)07/02/2000  
Comments: good fast trader.
5cliff2@hotmail.comCliff (242)09/14/2002Sold$20 - $50
Comments: Excellent trader! Highly recommended!
5collector_cards@yahoo.comWhiteKnight17 (26)06/24/2002Sold$5 - $20
Comments: Recommend to anyone!
5cosimopolizio2002@yahoo.comCosimo Polizio (Banned)06/28/2002Traded$5 - $20
4deleteit@magictraders.comGlacius (0)09/09/2000Sold$20 - $50
Comments: Payment was swift, and he keeps in constant contact.
4ds9isbetter@hotmail.comtragicslip (6)08/20/2002Sold$5 - $20
Comments: timely trader
4dsdouglas@gmail.comIluvhyppies (137)05/07/2000  
Comments: Very fair trader and the cards arrived on time and in the condition stated
4dtsai01@uclink4.berkeley.edugh0stface (126)07/02/2000  
Comments: Everything went fine. good trader
5duals21@hotmail.comDuallands21 (59)07/02/2002Sold$20 - $50
4earling@cmc.net 08/09/2000  
4erichorn24@aol.comertaiJ1 (Banned)07/02/2000  
Comments: A+
4eyin@intevac.comeyin (205)06/02/2000  
Comments: Good trader. Cards received quickly and well-packaged.
5gamer667@hotmail.com 08/21/2000Bought$5 - $20
Comments:  great trader A+++ [Updated 09/11/2000]
4ghettoride81@gmail.comDJSmurfy (3)04/18/2000  
Comments: Great trade! Jason keeps in touch throughout trade negotiations.
4greg.kraigher@gmail.comifh (228)07/06/2000  
5helen_d1279@hotmail.comMoose Man (Banned)08/11/2004Sold$20 - $50
5iccarus@gmail.comiccarus (531)06/12/2003Sold$5 - $20
5icebird3000@hotmail.comIcebird (15)10/23/2002Sold$5 - $20
Comments: Great Trader. Thanks. -Icebird
5jasonirish31@hotmail.comirsih31 (231)08/12/2002Traded< $5
5jester_roff@hotmail.comjester_roff (Banned)06/17/2002Sold$5 - $20
4jkuschke@hotmail.comPalinchron- (16)07/02/2000  
Comments: great nice easy quick and efficient trade would trade with again thanx
5jminore_14@yahoo.comdabomb216 (99)04/17/2005Sold$5 - $20
Comments: Thanks!
4jonathancaraball@hotmail.comMr.J (18)07/18/2000  
Comments: Great trader, would definitly recommend again. Money was sent on time. Highest reconmmendation!
4kateg@bignet.netShiv-Dragon-9 (2)07/25/2000  
Comments: Great trader would recomend him to anyone A+
5kj1000@msn.com 01/19/2003Traded$5 - $20
Comments: Cards were in excellent condition & well packaged. A+
4kr822@aol.com 04/21/2000  
Comments: Good trader. I received the cards promptly, and in fine condition.
4liquidmantis11@gmail.comRadiant2000 (125)04/30/2000  
Comments: Great and quick trade.
5lordlark@neo.rr.comDMFARMERLSW (147)06/27/2002Sold$5 - $20
4loucappozzoli@gmail.comshadowizar (255)04/18/2000  
5matth198121@yahoo.comMaTeO31 (0)08/12/2002Sold$5 - $20
Comments: Got money fast and I sent my cards first, so is very trustworthy!
5matthew.goslar@gmail.comtehmattygg (0)04/24/2002Other$50 - $100
Comments: bought his GBA for $75 A+++ he's an awesome guy!
4matthews@goldengate.net 07/04/2000  
5mirage2@singnet.com.sg 05/16/2002Sold$20 - $50
Comments: good trader. Recommended !!
5nate92986@aol.comboogidy_boogidy (172)11/22/2002Sold$20 - $50
Comments: Flawless Transaction
5neo_2114@yahoo.comlackn_da_flame (19)03/03/2001Sold$20 - $50
Comments: great trader, got money out very promptly. would love to trade with again
5oupheking@gmail.com*Tedman* (244)08/13/2000Traded$20 - $50
Comments: Great trader! I give this guy an A+++++++! [Updated 09/11/2000]
5parasomegatr8687@aol.com 11/19/2002Sold$5 - $20
4patchje@gmail.comSoupboy (178)06/24/2000  
Comments: Everything went well. Would gladly work with again.
4pearce.david@worldnet.att.net 05/12/2000  
Comments: I sent first, and I got what I needed.
5pimp46900@yahoo.comim your mom (Banned)11/19/2002Sold$20 - $50
Comments: Great Trader A++
4r_flach@hotmail.comrflach (Banned)04/18/2000  
Comments: Great trader! Fast shipment and response with e-mail and posts. A++
5revenger.motl@yahoo.comrevenger (502)03/07/2003Traded$5 - $20
Comments: A+
5rkoelsch1@netzero.netrkoelsch (70)06/28/2002Traded$5 - $20
4ross_p_wilson@yahoo.comRosseroo (43)04/24/2000  
Comments: Great trader. I got the cards in great condition, i recommend trading with him!
5rossettu@onid.orst.eduSTAT1C_X (228)05/08/2003Sold$20 - $50
Comments: Thanks again man!!
5serraangel@magictraders.comSerraAngel (84)09/25/2000Sold$5 - $20
4soupboy84@yahoo.com 07/13/2000  
Comments: He sent payment first. Good communciations. Gladly work with again.
4splashn990@aol.comTazz1913 (27)04/04/2001Traded$5 - $20
4stark75@net66.com 07/02/2000  
4timadough@aol.com 05/09/2000  
Comments: He sent faster than I thought, Highly recommended, very honest. Seems like a good one to trade with
4urza011@hotmail.com 07/02/2000  
Comments: Great Trader. Would Trade with Again
4voltron291@gmail.comVoltron291 (45)07/18/2000  
5wawok@uiuc.edu 12/07/2002Sold$20 - $50
Comments: Great trader!
4wieszalski@stratos.netwieszalski (Banned)08/08/2000  
Comments: sent cards first. good trader.
5x_s_cards@yahoo.cadenholm (711)03/10/2001Other$5 - $20
Comments: sold MK to him, very quick

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