E-Mail Address |
MOTL UserName (Refs) |
Date Added |
Deal Type |
Deal Value |
5 | a.bertinetti@tiscali.it | albertob (273) | 11/16/2001 | Traded | $50 - $100 |
Comments: very good and fast trader |
5 | anonimek@poczta.com | | 12/18/2000 | Traded | $20 - $50 |
5 | bingomck@gmail.com | underworld dreams (231) | 05/25/2001 | Sold | $20 - $50 |
Comments: A+ |
5 | blaz.antonic@email.si | Blaz Antonic (139) | 01/05/2001 | Sold | > $100 |
Comments: Great guy, A+++  |
4 | cardmaster@tlen.pl | Mariusz Rostankowski (109) | 12/20/2000 | Traded | > $100 |
4 | chris@thor.kie.ae.poznan.pl | | 12/21/2000 | Sold | $20 - $50 |
5 | cliff2@hotmail.com | Cliff (248) | 05/22/2001 | Sold | $50 - $100 |
Comments: Excellent trader! Highly recommended! |
5 | coolchic_1982@yahoo.co.uk | BloodPet1 (233) | 04/17/2002 | Sold | $5 - $20 |
Comments: Cash was sent first, promptly and well-concealed. No problems. A+ |
5 | d@it64.com | Dentarg (32) | 01/26/2002 | Traded | > $100 |
Comments: Highly recommended !!! |
5 | darkzeroantihero@yahoo.ca | wraithform (30) | 04/06/2001 | Sold | $20 - $50 |
Comments: simul send all the way to poland no problem thanks |
5 | davidcie@klub.chip.pl | | 12/28/2000 | Bought | $20 - $50 |
5 | dominikb@polbox.com | | 12/19/2000 | Bought | < $5 |
5 | enrico.bedosti@xelion.it | ende73 (117) | 03/25/2004 | Bought | > $100 |
Comments: I bought a massive collection from him. He was friendly and helpful all the way A++++ |
5 | entilzha_jet@hotmail.com | Entilzha_JET (101) | 03/06/2001 | Traded | > $100 |
Comments: Very Honorable trader! Highly recommmend |
5 | filip.cec@ri.htnet.hr | Filip Cec (268) | 01/23/2002 | Traded | $20 - $50 |
Comments: Great Trader. Hopefully I'll trade with him again. Highly Reccomended |
5 | foilman@tin.it | Guido (65) | 09/25/2001 | Traded | $50 - $100 |
Comments: he is a great trader....no problems and fast.hope to trade with him again thanks a lot! A++++++ |
5 | gnuen@sol.dk | Gnu (148) | 01/24/2002 | Sold | $5 - $20 |
Comments: Great trader  |
4 | grdragon@aster.pl | GromDragon (15) | 02/18/2001 | Traded | $5 - $20 |
Comments: OK |
5 | guli@mat.uni.torun.pl | Guli (38) | 12/20/2000 | Traded | > $100 |
Comments: Excellent trader!!!! |
5 | ing3.jpcing@terra.es | Manuel (70) | 05/14/2001 | Traded | $5 - $20 |
Comments: Great trader ! |
5 | jazumi2000@hotmail.com | jazumi2000 (128) | 02/02/2001 | Traded | $5 - $20 |
Comments: Recommended. Fast and nice. A+++ ! (thnx for the extra card!).... |
5 | jcs@box43.pl | | 01/31/2001 | Bought | $20 - $50 |
Comments: OK |
5 | juzam187@hotmail.com | Ryan Roeder (14) | 03/06/2001 | Traded | $20 - $50 |
Comments: Great Trader! Cards sent quickly. |
5 | ksdellap@aol.com | UncleC (121) | 03/31/2001 | Traded | $20 - $50 |
Comments: Absoloutely one of the best on MOTL, very reliable,... signed,....UncleC |
5 | marxj@aon.at | lod-aut (121) | 04/30/2002 | Sold | $20 - $50 |
Comments: sent the money twice, good communication, honest trader ! |
5 | mefrench@gmail.com | Michael French (317) | 03/26/2002 | Other | > $100 |
Comments: Sent well over 500 dollars worth of cards for me to signed at the PT Osaka for some cash. Packed cards very well. Must have a very nice type 1 collection, I wish they were mine! |
5 | mirages@poczta.fm | miragee (6) | 12/19/2000 | Bought | $5 - $20 |
4 | motl4@apathyhouse.com | twink (103) | 12/18/2000 | Traded | $20 - $50 |
5 | mrmarcus@polbox.com | | 12/21/2000 | Bought | $5 - $20 |
5 | neo-darkside@verizon.net | neo darkside (344) | 03/07/2001 | Traded | $20 - $50 |
Comments: Great trader, highly recommended by me  |
5 | paikia18syh@hotmail.com | ahboy2 (Banned) | 02/09/2001 | Traded | $5 - $20 |
5 | pawelc@go2.pl | pawelc (42) | 08/25/2001 | Traded | $20 - $50 |
Comments: Very good trader!! Highly recommended! |
5 | pitr@go2.pl | PitR-pl (30) | 02/08/2001 | Traded | $5 - $20 |
Comments: all ok! |
5 | samuel71@seed.net.tw | | 10/15/2001 | Sold | $20 - $50 |
Comments: Excellent trader.A+++ |
5 | shiv@polbox.com | PitR (22) | 01/04/2001 | Traded | $5 - $20 |
Comments: ok |
5 | simoncht@interfree.it | | 05/23/2001 | Traded | $5 - $20 |
Comments: Great trader! Recommended! A+++ |
4 | skolzilla@poczta.onet.pl | | 12/20/2000 | Bought | $5 - $20 |
5 | sligar@o2.pl | Sligar (97) | 03/27/2002 | Traded | > $100 |
Comments: Cards in nice condition, everything went very smoothly and fast, definately recommended. |
5 | sojkas@poczta.onet.pl | | 12/20/2000 | Traded | $50 - $100 |
Comments: Great Int. Trader |
5 | thomas.forget.vandemoortele@umontreal.ca | vandet77 (229) | 04/12/2001 | Traded | $5 - $20 |
Comments: Great card! Fast shipping! Recommended! |
5 | tingxuan@singnet.com.sg | dawn_te (414) | 12/19/2000 | Sold | $20 - $50 |
4 | warmagic@go2.pl | warmagic (Banned) | 12/19/2000 | Traded | $20 - $50 |
4 | waynegoh@singnet.com.sg | wayne (309) | 02/28/2001 | Sold | > $100 |
Comments: Very good buyer. |
4 | wojciech.bielecki@polkomtel.com.pl | | 12/18/2000 | Bought | $5 - $20 |
5 | wow@zs19.waw.ids.pl | Wow (46) | 02/28/2001 | Bought | $5 - $20 |
Comments: Truly good trader! |
5 | zigzof@mail1.stofanet.dk | stonefire (112) | 03/08/2001 | Traded | $5 - $20 |
Comments: good and fast trader |