Hooskdaddy's Reference List
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Ratings Table
Hooskdaddy's Average Rating: 4.82
5 Excellent trader.
4 Good trader.
3 OK trader.
2 Poor trader.
1 Bad trader.
For more info on how references are checked, click here.
Confirmed: 110
MOTL Refs: 54
Denied: 0
Unconfirmed*: 0
Total: 110
*Unconfirmed references are those that have not yet received responses and thus should not be used to determine the honesty of their owner.

  Send e-mail to 10 randomly selected, confirmed references.

  E-Mail Address MOTL UserName (Refs) Date Added Deal Type Deal Value
4aatragon@aol.com 03/24/2000  
5abeljcastaneda@gmail.comlegend3788 (0)02/02/2012Bought$20 - $50
Comments: great seller! will buy from again!
5acquisitions.tnt@gmail.com 10/26/2011Bought> $100
Comments: Fast shipping…smooth transaction
5alexfarang80@gmail.com 01/14/2014Sold> $100
Comments: Great trader!!
5andrew.ct@gmail.comLuit Froop (95)03/12/2009Traded> $100
Comments: Amazing trader! I got an perfect NM Mox Jet!!!!! A++ guy
5anton_lagerstedt@hotmail.comXtreme-- (16)01/22/2009Bought> $100
Comments: Excellent trader
4azuresilkdreams@hotmail.comEnix_deaton (21)04/01/2000  
Comments: This Guy is good with getting cards to places where they are needed fast. Thanks
5bernieb_64@yahoo.comBernieB (551)08/30/2011Bought$50 - $100
Comments: Excellent seller, highly recommended!!!
5bertie312@free.frbertie312 (Banned)08/26/2011Sold> $100
Comments: Morte than 1k$ was Deal perfect as possible
5bigjolo2020@yahoo.com 06/08/2011Traded$5 - $20
4bill.tedder@gecapital.com 03/26/2000  
5bingomck@gmail.comunderworld dreams (226)03/05/2001Other$50 - $100
Comments: I've bought cards and sold cards to him. Excellent! [Updated 04/12/2001]
5biorhythm17@yahoo.combiorhythm17 (81)03/12/2009Traded> $100
Comments: Asset to MOTL. Great trading experience. Thanks.
5brownj17@eou.edu 10/12/2011Traded$20 - $50
Comments: Good Trader
5buylist@icarusmagic.com 12/03/2012Bought> $100
Comments: A+ trader, hope to do business with you again soon! Thanks!
5caquaa@yahoo.comcaquaa (222)06/26/2007Bought$20 - $50
Comments: Well packaged. Shipped quickly. Thanks much.
5chookierul@mail.ruChookie (47)05/25/2007Bought$50 - $100
5ck_harris_5@hotmail.com 02/07/2009Traded$20 - $50
Comments: great fast trader, highly recommended
4clarkj@monmouth.com 03/24/2000  
Comments: Fast Turnaround Time for Products
5cnmotl@gmail.com 10/05/2011Traded$5 - $20
5cpayet01@shepherd.edu 08/26/2011Sold> $100
5craigb21@comcast.net 09/27/2011Traded> $100
Comments: Easy to deal with! 100% great trader. My 2 FOW were beautiful.
5crimpedmiscut@gmail.comTha Gunslinga (1563)08/05/2008Bought> $100
Comments: Bought a few grand.
5cunninghamfamily@earthlink.netlobster (42)03/06/2001Traded$50 - $100
Comments: Wonderful trader. I hope I can trade with again. !!!
5dan.meadors26@gmail.comConan4015 (248)09/04/2011Bought> $100
Comments: I have dealt with hooskin in person and online, class act
5dane.carlson1@gmail.comcapndeevers (330)06/07/2011Traded$20 - $50
5dave.massive@gmail.commas.sive (20)06/07/2011Traded$5 - $20
Comments: Great trader, imediate sender, would trade again!
5davef139@davef139.comdavef139 (43)07/03/2008Sold$50 - $100
4donutman@hotmail.comdonutman (42)03/05/2001Traded$20 - $50
Comments: received cards on time and had excellent responses
5drscottkelly@gmail.comdrscottkelly (162)01/30/2009Traded> $100
5elyn_the_fox@hotmail.com 01/14/2009Traded> $100
Comments: waited 4 extra days for my cards because he got to busy with ptq in atlanta to send
5fish77777@gmail.com 08/26/2011Traded> $100
Comments: Awesome trader. Cards as described.
5g_bola82@hotmail.comg_bola82 (67)03/12/2001Traded$5 - $20
5goobidy@gmail.com 09/22/2011Traded> $100
4goodoutlook1979@yahoo.commaro1 (40)03/13/2000  
Comments: yes he's a good trader. he knows what he's doing
5gparker@flipsidegaming.com 05/09/2012Sold> $100
4haizlld@ch.etn.com 03/13/2000  
Comments: 3P - Polite, Professional, and Prompt!! Highly recommended
5headumpire@live.com 01/14/2014Bought> $100
5hritzdaddy@hotmail.com 12/05/2012Bought$50 - $100
5jackthedemon@yahoo.comZeroMercury (Banned)03/30/2001Sold$20 - $50
5jakes_z@hotmail.comjakes_z (77)07/08/2008Sold$20 - $50
Comments: Great trader thanks
5jason.leeper@gmail.comlep (33)12/03/2012Bought> $100
5jefferysum@gmail.comMoogleknight (22)01/26/2009Traded> $100
Comments: Trade for the timetwister went very smoothly! An excellent trader!
5jerkyg@rocketmail.com 07/03/2008Sold$20 - $50
Comments: thqnks!
5jia@meng.com 06/08/2011Traded$20 - $50
Comments: Very professional trader, great to deal with.
5jmburg86@gmail.com 12/03/2012Bought$20 - $50
4joe@hypnoticspecter.com 10/26/2011Traded> $100
5johnlegendtix@hotmail.com 08/09/2008Bought> $100
Comments: Bought his lot of Beta cards for $250. Some decent stuff in there. Would like to deal w/ him again.
5jrussell316@yahoo.com 10/27/2011Traded$20 - $50
5k.e.chow@gmail.com 05/09/2012Bought$20 - $50
Comments: Great communication!
5keanman@hotmail.comKeaner (41)02/03/2012Bought$5 - $20
Comments: Great conditions and got the cards fast.
5kenthomson@shaw.cajaromirjagr (518)02/24/2009Traded$20 - $50
Comments: Very smooth transaction.A+
4kingpete@internode.on.netgrim lavamancer (32)03/13/2000  
Comments: Have dealt with Justin a couple of times & find him to be a good trader
5km3959@gmail.com 12/03/2012Traded$20 - $50
5ksdellap@aol.comUncleC (114)03/26/2001Bought$20 - $50
Comments: Awesome trader, one of the "good guys" on MOTL, signed,... UncleC
5ktsmtgtrade@gmail.com 02/02/2012Bought> $100
Comments: A+ trader! great communication
5liquidmantis11@gmail.comRadiant2000 (125)06/02/2007Bought$20 - $50
5loathingmotl@gmail.com 01/18/2012Bought$50 - $100
5machine_locutus@hotmail.comWannis (20)03/07/2001Traded$5 - $20
Comments: good trader
4macro@macrocide.com 03/13/2000  
Comments: Smooth trade.
5marcrajotte@shaw.ca 01/14/2014Sold$50 - $100
Comments: Excellent communication. Thanks
5markmercer10@gmail.comkaervek (83)09/28/2011Traded> $100
Comments: We simulsent... all's good
4marlatt1@yahoo.com 03/13/2000  
5martinph84@hotmail.com 01/14/2014Sold> $100
5maxhgns@mta.caGoaswerfraiejen (76)09/15/2011Traded$50 - $100
Comments: Great trader, very patient, and fast shipment. Thanks so much!
4mgilliam@mail.utexas.edu 03/13/2000  
4micheledn@aol.com 03/13/2000  
Comments: Received cards exactly as promised!
5mikeweaver30@yahoo.com 09/14/2011Traded> $100
Comments: Over $400 trade! Everything was smooth and easy. Thanks!
5mitterlehner.marvin@gmail.com 05/09/2012Bought> $100
5mmoyer1983@hotmail.commm1983 (701)09/15/2011Traded$50 - $100
Comments: Fast shipping. Cards arrived in perfect condition. Will trade with again if given another chance.
5mo_problemz@yahoo.com 04/03/2009Traded$50 - $100
Comments: Excellent trader.
5mozzie@loa.fiMozzam (166)08/21/2008Bought> $100
Comments: Bought a mox and an ancestral recall. Awesome
5munchpetersen@gmail.communken83 (62)12/03/2012Sold> $100
4newportcobra@email.msn.com 03/19/2000  
Comments: yes,he is a good trader,fast and reliable!!
5oegoenman@hotmail.comhurricane16 (133)07/02/2007Bought> $100
Comments: Smooth transaction. Thanks.
5onetruetest@gmail.com 01/18/2012Bought> $100
Comments: Thanks again for the seal! Excellent addition to my collection
5opatlamo@gmail.compatlam (275)05/20/2007Bought$5 - $20
Comments: great seller. A+
5orkah@hotmail.comorkah (72)05/25/2007Bought$5 - $20
Comments: graet service! thanks!
5pandaliang1@hotmail.comjmliang (36)05/22/2007Bought$5 - $20
5philipnels@gmail.comPhillyP (43)12/03/2012Bought> $100
Comments: Excellent transaction. Fast shipping! A++++
4phoenix_firebird99@yahoo.comkenshin_va (10)03/30/2000  
Comments: a trader I will trade with over & over again!!
5planeswalkerzen@gmail.com 12/03/2012Bought> $100
5planetearth529@yahoo.complanetearth529 (43)04/03/2009Traded$50 - $100
Comments: AWESOME! sent very quickly. great trade
5plusplus@bluewin.ch 10/08/2008Bought> $100
Comments: Open and clear communication - kept me informed and took initiative to find out ways to transfer money. 1000$+ international deal and hope to do business again.
4psimon1059@aol.com 03/24/2000  
Comments: Smooth Transaction. No Problems. Would deal with again.
5rdurney@gmail.com 10/18/2011Traded> $100
Comments: Smooth transaction. No issues and good communication.
5reallbc@hotmail.comfwybwed (82)02/24/2009Traded> $100
Comments: Cards arrived fast, easy to trade with. Make sure ask about condition of cards first
5rehsa15@yahoo.comSharkey (342)05/11/2007Bought$50 - $100
Comments: cool guy. easy to deal with. very professional.
5rinoa_100@hotmail.comAzusa the lost soul (95)09/13/2011Traded> $100
5ru4trapt@yahoo.com 10/06/2011Traded> $100
5saimux@hotmail.comSaimu (24)01/22/2009Bought$50 - $100
Comments: No problems, great deal!
5saintsnwo323@yahoo.comskizzikmonger (190)08/06/2008Bought$50 - $100
Comments: excellent communication. received the cards quickly after payment was received. would buy from again.
5seanhettich@hotmail.comryboflavin (0)10/05/2011Bought$20 - $50
5soulblazer10@hotmail.comBobSpirit (42)12/03/2012Bought> $100
5steelerman@iowatelecom.netSteelerman (1003)05/09/2012Bought$5 - $20
Comments: Great trade! thanks
5stevenwong@inbox.comsw1 (16)07/11/2007Bought$20 - $50
4stusomers@gmail.comstu55 (535)03/06/2001Bought$50 - $100
4support@yocoinstore.comGenesis (56)03/13/2000  
Comments: Good trader. We encounter problems beyond our control. It's the post office fault that we receive our cards late. But everything went fine except for the post office hassles.
5telliott@alumni.williams.edu 09/15/2011Traded$20 - $50
5tnsst1@gmail.com 09/18/2011Traded> $100
Comments: Great Trader
5troelsbc@hotmail.comTroels Christensen (57)06/01/2007Bought$50 - $100
Comments: Great deal! Great international trader!
5trollint@xs4all.nl 03/06/2001Bought> $100
Comments: He kept me posted about the cards he send..
5tuna2_0@yahoo.com 06/07/2011Traded> $100
Comments: Great Trader. Both trades were great, and good comunication. [Updated 09/25/2011]
5umezete@yahoo.com 06/08/2011Traded$50 - $100
Comments: Excellent trader
5vandalevil@gmail.com 06/07/2011Bought> $100
5vstehworld1121@gmail.comVsTheWorld (5)07/04/2007Bought$20 - $50
Comments: great transaction, very fast shipping
5webspinner_1@yahoo.comelvenarcherZ (27)12/03/2012Bought$50 - $100
4william_washington@ibi.com 03/27/2000  
5wop_city@hotmail.com 01/28/2009Traded> $100
Comments: Awesome dude. Super polite, Perfect to deal with. Anytime my friend A+++++++++
5yifeng3010@gmail.comMTDetermine (347)06/08/2011Bought> $100
5zakman86@gmail.comZakman86 (142)09/20/2011Bought$20 - $50
5zephyrknight@hotmail.com 05/12/2012Bought$50 - $100

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