IceAgeComics's Reference List
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Ratings Table
IceAgeComics's Average Rating: 5
5 Excellent trader.
4 Good trader.
3 OK trader.
2 Poor trader.
1 Bad trader.
For more info on how references are checked, click here.
Confirmed: 32
MOTL Refs: 26
Denied: 0
Unconfirmed*: 0
Total: 32
*Unconfirmed references are those that have not yet received responses and thus should not be used to determine the honesty of their owner.

  Send e-mail to 10 randomly selected, confirmed references.

  E-Mail Address MOTL UserName (Refs) Date Added Deal Type Deal Value
5222bouncer@excite.comkennylingis (198)10/06/2008Sold> $100
Comments: Great buyer and top notch communication..... Highly recommended!!!!
5animositymotl@aol.comAnimosity (114)11/07/2007Sold> $100
Comments: Excellent transaction fast payment 100% would deal with again .
5avery61@yahoo.comavery61 (Banned)12/13/2007Sold$20 - $50
Comments: Great Buyer! Highly recommended. Very fast payment & excellent communications. Would trade/sell/buy with anytime
5biorhythm17@yahoo.combiorhythm17 (81)08/05/2008Sold> $100
Comments: All's perfect... No hassle whatsoever...
5crimpedmiscut@gmail.comTha Gunslinga (1563)01/25/2008Sold> $100 (113)04/11/2008Sold> $100
Comments: Trade Completed, thanks
5dce_520@hotmail.comDCE (12)03/03/2008Sold$20 - $50
Comments: Good Trader (231)09/14/2007Sold$50 - $100
5eamarro@gmail.comsparow (39)08/11/2008Sold$50 - $100
Comments: Great buyer!
5everything@tradingbloc.netTradingBLOC (Banned)05/08/2008Traded$20 - $50
5genghistom148@yahoo.comGenghisTom (191)04/02/2008Sold$20 - $50
5havocwing@gmail.comzeramous (162)07/15/2008Sold$20 - $50
Comments: Quick & easy!
5ianmcmurray000@hotmail.comconqueso (52)08/03/2008Sold$50 - $100
Comments: Great and honest guy! Hope to do business again with him!
5jjvogre@aol.comogre (336)11/02/2007Traded> $100
Comments: Prompt payment. Hope you enjoy the cards and only the best Gabriel. Peace, 09/29/2009Sold$20 - $50 04/09/2009Sold> $100
Comments: Enjoy the cards!
5kenthomson@shaw.cajaromirjagr (518)03/09/2008Sold$50 - $100
Comments: Sold cards to Iceagecomics in Argentina.Great international deal.Deal with anytime.A+
5kevin_64@hotmail.comkevinm1981 (Banned)03/13/2008Sold$50 - $100
Comments: Will trade with again.
5mantis_@hotmail.comMantis4980 (14)04/02/2008Sold$50 - $100
Comments: Fantastic Trader great communication hope to trade with again soon 07/04/2008Sold$50 - $100
Comments: A+ buyer! Cards sent first and payment after! Sell to him!
5nacho_g_550@hotmail.comNICOLASMAGIC (43)12/03/2007Sold> $100
Comments: Excellent international trader. A+++
5neodarkside@verizon.netneo darkside (Banned)08/11/2008Sold> $100
Comments: $100+ dollar deal went flawlessy, trust this person 08/22/2008Sold$50 - $100
Comments: Good communication and pleasant guy. Good international buyer.
5pleasantdj@yahoo.comSqueegee (33)01/24/2008Sold$50 - $100
Comments: Excellent buyer great communication
5portlis@gmail.comPortlisX (403)09/14/2007Sold> $100
Comments: Thank you very much for the purchase!
5psych0meter@hotmail.comPhyrexian Angel (291)03/31/2008Sold> $100
5reallbc@hotmail.comfwybwed (82)03/18/2008Sold$50 - $100
Comments: Fast Payment thank you
5s_h_a_d_o_w_hunter@hotmail.comblee1149 (197)12/02/2007Sold> $100
Comments: 100+ smooth 08/29/2008Sold> $100
Comments: Great buyer! Would absolutely deal with again. Enjoy the cards!
5serendibz@gmail.comserendibz (37)03/31/2008Sold$20 - $50 02/09/2009Sold> $100
Comments: great buyer
5sm3ags@yahoo.comSmeags (2)04/11/2008Sold> $100
Comments: I sent first and Iceage was very legit had the money as soon as they received the cards A++++++++
5sonicsa3@yahoo.comArcanePie (78)07/06/2008Sold$50 - $100
Comments: Polite member with great communication skills. Fast payment, fast replies!
5stusomers@gmail.comstu55 (535)12/25/2007Sold$50 - $100
5vashon270@gmail.comkvashon (42)04/17/2008Sold> $100
Comments: fast payment, great communication!
5yifeng3010@gmail.comMTDetermine (347)04/23/2008Sold$50 - $100

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