conqueso's Reference List
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Ratings Table
conqueso's Average Rating: 5
5 Excellent trader.
4 Good trader.
3 OK trader.
2 Poor trader.
1 Bad trader.
For more info on how references are checked, click here.
Confirmed: 52
MOTL Refs: 49
Denied: 0
Unconfirmed*: 0
Total: 52
*Unconfirmed references are those that have not yet received responses and thus should not be used to determine the honesty of their owner.

  Send e-mail to 10 randomly selected, confirmed references.

  E-Mail Address MOTL UserName (Refs) Date Added Deal Type Deal Value
5a_madore@hotmail.comA-Mad (55)03/31/2008Bought$5 - $20
Comments: Smooth deal.
5acethesage00@hotmail.comalphataru (30)02/20/2008Bought$20 - $50
Comments: Fast shipping, fantastic trader to deal with.
5alito_0o@hotmail.comPadawan aE! (107)07/24/2008Bought> $100
Comments: Excellent seller, highly recommended!!!
5benjamin.holtin@gmx.dekartenguru (161)07/21/2008Bought$50 - $100
Comments: great trader
5bergs206@hotmail.combergs206 (63)05/11/2007Traded$20 - $50
Comments: Great Trader
5calebbrignon@hotmail.comTheImmortal (68)05/19/2007Traded$5 - $20
5cszalichsales@hotmail.compsilence6k (62)12/08/2011Bought$20 - $50
Comments: Super fast shipping, great deals and amazing communication! I bought a pile of White Dwarf magazines and would do so again! Thanks buddy! Carl
5dagonf@hotmail.comdagonf (48)04/20/2007Traded$5 - $20 (113)09/02/2007Sold$20 - $50
Comments: Trade Completed, good buyer, fast respond
5derekjohnson@allaboardgames.cafoil_lone_wolf (81)01/29/2008Bought$5 - $20
Comments: Fast shipment and good communication. A+ in my books.
5djaspoo@videotron.cadjaspoo (65)03/29/2007Bought> $100
Comments: Great cards, smooth of the best! Thanks!!!
5dualistking@hotmail.comDracolver (133)05/07/2007Traded$5 - $20
Comments: Thanks!
5dupeohnoes@magictraders.compasc14 (1)01/18/2009Bought$5 - $20
Comments: nice card. a++ trader
5epheron@hotmail.comepheron (66)04/13/2007Traded$5 - $20 08/01/2007Traded$5 - $20
Comments: Great trade! Thanks.
5fcecec@gmail.comFilip Cec (700)10/21/2007Traded$50 - $100
Comments: Great trader!
5funkylopo@hotmail.comFunkyLopo (1)09/19/2007Sold> $100
Comments: Great communication
5gabrielmessina@gmail.comIceAgeComics (32)08/03/2008Bought$50 - $100
Comments: Excellent Seller!
5gloriasn@gmail.comMr.Volrath (Banned)08/23/2007Sold$5 - $20
Comments: Deal went smoothly.
5golddragon85@gmail.comhylian hero (17)04/03/2007Traded$5 - $20
5gregwester@gmail.comBusDriver (127)02/01/2008Bought$5 - $20
5jamiemason@hotmail.comjoee (86)09/29/2008Bought$5 - $20
Comments: Quick seller really nice guy.
5knightneal77@gmail.combulba49 (48)04/10/2007Traded$5 - $20
5leef3172@yahoo.comVoraxS (Banned)06/26/2007Sold> $100
Comments: Nice easy guy to deal with.
5lobofraggers@hotmail.comlobofraggers (189)06/29/2008Bought$20 - $50
Comments: great seller would recommand
5mattmconroy@gmail.comMatt Conroy (54)04/01/2008Traded$20 - $50
Comments: Traded him a Foil Vamp Tutor, great trader A+
5meaheim@aol.comjohnny13 (67)09/10/2007Traded$5 - $20
Comments: 100% great transaction
5mmoyer1983@hotmail.commm1983 (701)03/29/2007Traded$5 - $20
Comments: Very good trader! Hope to trade with him another time.
5n_gomes@hotmail.comNunoG (51)06/16/2007Sold> $100
Comments: good person...great buyer....recomended 08/30/2011Bought> $100
5omfgurapos@aim.comSeaHunter9999 (59)08/04/2012Other$50 - $100
Comments: traded cards/$$ for a DSi. great trader
5pepsi_dragon@yahoo.comroseco24 (Banned)03/28/2008Sold> $100
Comments: great buyer great communication thanks
5philanderson@live.caGlacier14 (289)05/16/2007Sold$20 - $50
Comments: A+ Great communication.
5resydentdevil@gmail.comResidentdevil (86)09/27/2007Traded$20 - $50
5rondocap2@gmail.comCrashTest (149)06/09/2009Bought> $100
Comments: Almost $3000 deal went perfectly, great guy A++
5ryan.pawlik@gmail.comXtReMeOnE3 (265)05/24/2007Traded$50 - $100
Comments: Great Trader!
5schmitty321@gmail.comryan2754 (339)08/27/2007Traded$5 - $20
5shade20x6@aol.comshade2k1 (463)08/24/2007Traded< $5
Comments: Excellent, thanks! =) 02/22/2008Bought$5 - $20
Comments: Cards came quickly and well wrapped. Thanks!
5sothatisaysothatitis@hotmail.comOtheam (14)01/23/2008Traded$20 - $50
Comments: A+ trader will do it again anytime
5spectreoo7@hotmail.comSpectre007 (130)02/04/2008Bought> $100
Comments: Great person to deal with. Very friendly. Highly recommended
5sroy.mtg@gmail.comT-O-N (376)07/27/2008Bought$20 - $50
Comments: Great guy, thanks!
5stusomers@gmail.comstu55 (535)08/13/2007Sold> $100
5sys41o@yahoo.comsys41o (260)08/28/2007Traded$20 - $50
Comments: Quick and easy trade. Look forward to trading again.
5szwanger@gmail.comszwanger (323)04/01/2008Traded$50 - $100
Comments: Reliable trader, sent cards promptly.
5thejaco@gmail.combigballashotcaller (673)10/23/2007Sold$50 - $100
Comments: Great trader and great communication; would recommend!
5thelastgoalheeverscored@gmail.comnhlrocks (40)07/03/2008Traded$5 - $20
5themike314@gmail.comTheMike314 (46)01/24/2008Bought$5 - $20
Comments: Fast, efficient transaction. Awesome!
5thes69@live.comw_axl69rose (18)05/21/2007Traded$5 - $20
Comments: very nice will trade again
5toondelyon@gmail.compe501 (105)02/13/2008Bought$50 - $100
Comments: great seller
5towermagicli@gmail.comMAB_Rapper (579)01/23/2008Bought$5 - $20
5treese135@comcast.netktreese (104)03/31/2008Traded$5 - $20
Comments: excellent transaction, fast
5twolsen@graniteschools.orgmagicgeek (216)06/06/2007Traded$20 - $50
Comments: A very smooth 'over the border' trade. Communication was excellent, cards were in wonderful shape, and he even included some throw-ins. I highly recommend.
5x_s_cards@yahoo.cadenholm (711)03/09/2011Bought> $100
Comments: a1!! very smooth transaction. Huge pile of cards
5yifeng3010@gmail.comMTDetermine (347)07/21/2008Bought$50 - $100

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