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Sportospiff's Reference List
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Ratings Table
Sportospiff's Average Rating: 4.2
5 Excellent trader.
4 Good trader.
3 OK trader.
2 Poor trader.
1 Bad trader.
For more info on how references are checked, click here.
Confirmed: 39
MOTL Refs: 30
Denied: 0
Unconfirmed*: 0
Total: 39
*Unconfirmed references are those that have not yet received responses and thus should not be used to determine the honesty of their owner.

  Send e-mail to 10 randomly selected, confirmed references.

  E-Mail Address MOTL UserName (Refs) Date Added Deal Type Deal Value
5-herold-@email.czkriss (Banned)02/21/2001Traded$20 - $50
Comments: A+ adequate packaged & good talk 12/16/1999  
Comments: never have to wait long
5asuka2099@hotmail.comAya Brea (Banned)02/21/2001Traded> $100
Comments: A+ Would recommend
4bcyan@ptd.netKill*switch (0)03/11/2000  
Comments: he is fast
5bingomck@gmail.comunderworld dreams (231)02/20/2001Bought$20 - $50
Comments: Bought a Foil Chant from him... excellent. A+
4blackgrail@hotmail.comBlackGrail (1)03/09/2000  
Comments: This guy is a great trader. Willing to mail first... trade with him!!! (32)05/12/2000  
4chuckyd@ticon.netchucks (0)07/02/2000  
4crosstrum@hotmail.comTalking Goat (45)05/15/2000  
Comments: trade went very well!
5dannibal@magictraders.comDannibal (410)10/12/2000Traded> $100
Comments: Damn! Lost my Lotus (but got a lot of goodies in return too!) And you sent first!
5darkdamion@hotmail.comDarkDamion (247)10/13/2000Traded$5 - $20
Comments: Good Trader.
5darkenigma75@sbcglobal.netSolquest (Banned)11/20/2000Traded$5 - $20
Comments: Great trader, excellent cards. I would trade with again.
4davimb@brturbo.comDavi (Banned)12/17/1999  
Comments: Excellent trader, very good person to trade with! 12/17/1999  
Comments: 12/18/1999  
4dtsai01@uclink4.berkeley.edugh0stface (127)05/12/2000  
Comments: Great Trader ! We did a huge trade involving a Time Walk and everything went perfect. A+
4fabmagic@libero.itfab (64)12/19/1999  
4fante7@optonline.netFante7 (61)10/12/2000Traded$5 - $20
Comments: I traded with him a while ago, but from what I can remember, he was good!
4foilman@tin.itGuido (65)06/01/2000  
Comments: i made a large trade with this guy..all went great!really honest and fair..i look forward to trade with again.thanks scott!
4gareth.lester-olivier@virgin.netBosium (1)05/14/2000  
Comments: Great guy... Cards arrived *before* time and in perfect condition!
4gehringer@fast.netSolanar (9)12/17/1999  
Comments: He has some great Oops. Willing to send first in certain situations. 12/16/1999  
4george667@webtv.netgeorge667 (135)12/17/1999  
Comments: never had a problem very safe trader
5gramn@freemail.hugramn (14)02/20/2001Bought$20 - $50
Comments: He sent fast. Everything went ok.
5hk725@aol.comhk-oner (42)10/12/2000Traded$20 - $50
Comments: great trader. highly recommended. 12/16/1999  
Comments: Id let him spank my ass
4joshb15@cox.netJoshB (92)07/03/2000  
4kingbuzzo@canada.comkING bUZZO (135)10/13/2000Traded$50 - $100
Comments: Great Trader!! Would trade with again anytime. A+++
4krytlee@aol.comBroken! (Banned)05/12/2000  
Comments: 12/18/1999  
Comments: had trouble, but he is good
4m.van-der-schaft@planet.nlTanis (49)05/13/2000  
Comments: Was a larger deal. Very friendly and quick!! Great guy and excellent trader!!!!!
5machiel@machiel.comChiel (4)02/22/2001Bought$20 - $50
Comments: Great trader, his cards were in the condition he describerd and were sent fast and secure. A+++++++
5matthijs_hannink@hotmail.comMatthijs (Banned)11/15/2000Traded$5 - $20
4plague64@aol.comghandi (20)03/09/2000  
Comments: great trader, great trade (4)05/13/2000  
Comments: 10/13/2000Traded$5 - $20
Comments: Good all around trader 05/12/2000  
4ser_worm@hotmail.comwormser (Banned)03/15/2000  
Comments: Would trade again!
4siputih@rocketmail.comSi[Putih] (37)12/17/1999  
Comments: Good Trader.. =)
5sleeves2006@msn.commageta,the lion_00 (35)02/21/2001Traded> $100
4sneaker12@aol.comSneaker (51)05/12/2000  
4steelerman@iowatelecom.netSteelerman (202)03/12/2000  
Comments: great trader thanks
5thanos417@yahoo.comThanos (126)12/16/1999Traded> $100
Comments: Kyle is a good trader from Canada,I've never had a problem with him.Supplied me with my Mox Emerald [Updated 09/07/2000] 06/26/2000  
Comments: Good service and communication. Thanks, Kyle.
4tpass3@yahoo.comIce (51)03/08/2000  
Comments: Cards were in great condition
4twiggins_98@yahoo.comFooath (15)03/08/2000  
Comments: Got the card. Mint condition.

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