efridge's Reference List
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Ratings Table
efridge's Average Rating: 4.93
5 Excellent trader.
4 Good trader.
3 OK trader.
2 Poor trader.
1 Bad trader.
For more info on how references are checked, click here.
Confirmed: 47
MOTL Refs: 39
Denied: 0
Unconfirmed*: 0
Total: 47
*Unconfirmed references are those that have not yet received responses and thus should not be used to determine the honesty of their owner.

  Send e-mail to 10 randomly selected, confirmed references.

  E-Mail Address MOTL UserName (Refs) Date Added Deal Type Deal Value
5adam.fears@gmail.com 11/08/2011Traded$50 - $100
5adamnoodelman@hotmail.commada7 (23)11/22/2005Traded$5 - $20
Comments: great trader takes excellent care of the cards and keeps in touch the entire time will definitely trade with again
5bclawson88@gmail.comBrnt (9)02/04/2007Traded$20 - $50
Comments: Great trader, sent quickly, and cards were in great condition.
5big_jim81@yahoo.comRenshae (143)02/21/2006Traded$20 - $50
Comments: Excellent trader, highly recommended!
5bjshieh@gmail.comxf619 (24)05/08/2006Traded$20 - $50
Comments: Great trader. Cards were packaged carefully and all the cards look MINT! Thanks!
5braves54321@gmail.combraves54321 (450)09/13/2005Sold$5 - $20
Comments: Good buyer. [Updated 09/14/2005]
5charleywolinsky@mail.comA Black Lotus Buddy (5)10/02/2006Traded$5 - $20
Comments: no problems
5crimpedmiscut@gmail.comTha Gunslinga (1563)03/04/2007Sold$5 - $20
5dac9j@virginia.edu 07/26/2006Traded$5 - $20
Comments: Very fast, excellent trader. Thanks!
5dmjduece@yahoo.comUndead_Jedi (2)06/26/2006Traded$20 - $50
Comments: Excellent Trader.Cards are mint!
5earthandtribe@peoplepc.com 09/01/2005Sold$20 - $50
5evilempire22@yahoo.comevilempire22 (822)11/21/2006Traded$5 - $20
Comments: Great trader, sent fast and well-packaged, thanks again!
5hullandy@gmail.comastrospoon (1)05/16/2006Traded> $100
Comments: no problems at all
5jasonkoresko@yahoo.comI3Iood (108)09/27/2011Bought$5 - $20
Comments: Thanks for the great sale!
5jayprickett@yahoo.comD17 (105)03/29/2007Traded$5 - $20
Comments: Perfect!
5jbarker1018ak@gmail.comjbark (220)03/22/2007Traded> $100
Comments: GREAT A++++++++++++++++++
5jchrom@gmail.comTheGreat1 (157)08/04/2006Traded$20 - $50
Comments: A+
4jturphy@gmail.comjturphy (64)02/24/2006Traded> $100
Comments: Taped all the penny sleeves shut so the only way to open them was sticking a knife inside the penny sleeve. Other than that great trader.
Response: Packaged by third party trader. Sorry.
5kakaroon@gmail.comtwink (186)04/05/2006Traded$5 - $20
Comments: A fine trader. Thanks!
5keitar0_kun@yahoo.comRaynar (453)02/23/2006Traded> $100
5kobefan64@hotmail.com 09/02/2005Sold$20 - $50
5kolsen17@wvi.com 05/15/2007Traded$5 - $20
Comments: fast trader, great communication and very patient.
5leezhongwen@gmail.comMagicatsg (99)10/08/2005Sold$20 - $50
Comments: Great international trader! A+ Thanks!
5mattwarner46@aim.comDehydration (13)12/07/2005Traded$50 - $100
Comments: Great trader. One of the best i've dealt with
4mdafoe09@gmail.comdistortedhalo13 (107)12/14/2006Traded$5 - $20
Comments: Took 2 weeks for him to mail card after he said he did, but I still got it.
5meddlingmage1@gmail.comMeddlingMage (296)11/17/2005Traded$20 - $50
Comments: Great trade,would trade with again!
5mekkas@mail.telepac.ptmekkas (15)05/04/2006Traded$20 - $50
5mezzanine1978@yahoo.comMezzanine (123)06/16/2006Sold< $5
Comments: no complaints here! A+++++++
5mike_noble1983@hotmail.comMike_Noble (Banned)07/09/2006Traded> $100
Comments: Great Trader! I would trade with again for sure! Cards were Well Packaged and on Time!
5nathan1514@gmail.comTheGuyWhoIsMe (133)03/15/2006Traded$5 - $20
Comments: great trader, sent quickly and well packeged. thanks for a great trade!
5nderdog@magictraders.comnderdog (457)05/25/2006Traded> $100
Comments: I provided 3rd-Party services for them, and was quite happy in my dealings with them.
5nguyencthang89@gmail.comseraphfire (80)05/16/2007Traded$50 - $100
Comments: Very nice guy, and good communication. Thanks again!
5overmaster2000@yahoo.comstan18 (43)09/18/2006Traded< $5
Comments: Fast, reliable trader. A+
5papermate001@yahoo.comsaharan (Banned)11/22/2006Traded> $100
5phyconaut@gmail.comphyconaut (7)12/11/2005Traded$5 - $20
5psycho1011@hotmail.com 09/02/2005Sold$5 - $20
5ptrenkle@gmail.comPete (113)07/05/2006Traded> $100
5rats60@aol.comrats60 (768)08/08/2006Traded$20 - $50
Comments: Sent cards fast. I would trade with again.
5royalwarrior@hotmail.comLiq (528)11/07/2005Traded$5 - $20
Comments: Great Trader.
4slim_shady418@hotmail.comUSAFHoorahGuy (49)04/20/2006Bought$20 - $50
Comments: took a while but got the cards all the same
Response: Had to wait for paypal funds to clear.
5stan903@hotmail.comdiana (73)05/09/2006Bought$50 - $100
Comments: a+ seller - got cards in timely fashion
5stevo5297@gmail.com 07/27/2012Traded$20 - $50
5tugbucket@gmail.comharbingerofthevoid (417)02/28/2006Traded$5 - $20
Comments: Quick and cool little simul-send. Many thanks.
5twolsen@graniteschools.orgmagicgeek (216)05/05/2006Traded$20 - $50
Comments: Excellent is not a strong enough adjective...wait....let me grab my Thesaurus...A Colossal trader...Oh, an Extraordinary trader. Yeah, Extraordinary fits.
5uthaedeol@hotmail.comUthaedeol (178)06/07/2006Traded$20 - $50
Comments: Fantastic trader! Any time again!
5willjc_913@mail.comride_thebus (Banned)12/25/2005Traded> $100
5wjkearns@hotmail.comthe_balance (52)04/10/2006Traded$5 - $20
Comments: Great trader
5xart_loverx@yahoo.com 12/10/2012Bought$20 - $50
5xxjuicexxjin@yahoo.comxxjuicexxjin (3)03/12/2006Traded$20 - $50
Comments: Great trader! Fast dealings and good communication.
5yan.rivard@gmail.comfomorian (52)05/12/2006Traded$20 - $50
Comments: A++ Trader! I recommend him !

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