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lucid_requiem's Reference List
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Ratings Table
lucid_requiem's Average Rating: 4.96
5 Excellent trader.
4 Good trader.
3 OK trader.
2 Poor trader.
1 Bad trader.
For more info on how references are checked, click here.
Confirmed: 33
MOTL Refs: 33
Denied: 0
Unconfirmed*: 0
Total: 33
*Unconfirmed references are those that have not yet received responses and thus should not be used to determine the honesty of their owner.

  Send e-mail to 10 randomly selected, confirmed references.

  E-Mail Address MOTL UserName (Refs) Date Added Deal Type Deal Value
5academic_games@hotmail.comMonique (297)10/18/2005Traded$5 - $20
Comments: A+ trader -- highly recommended!
5accountlocked123@magictraders.comxion_black (174)04/10/2005Traded< $5
Comments: Perfect Trade, Perfect Trader. Thanks!
5adam@adamshapiro.orgShap (158)03/06/2006Traded$5 - $20
Comments: Great trader!
5arc_cane@hotmail.comarkane (169)02/22/2006Traded< $5
Comments: great trader!
5aznpride06@hotmail.com2fast4u (79)04/10/2005Traded$5 - $20
Comments: was very quick about sending
5casper_x14@yahoo.comDeltron_3030 (22)10/11/2003Traded$5 - $20
Comments: Great cards, fast shipping, and a pleasure to trade with. A+
5cen45805@centurytel.netHypno (15)11/01/2003Traded$5 - $20
Comments: Very good trader , fast and reliable trader.
5chaosdeathshadowx@yahoo.comChaosDeathShadow (20)04/08/2005Traded$5 - $20
Comments: Good Trader. Wouldn't mind trading again.
5d0nno@hotmail.comd0nno (2)05/05/2005Traded$5 - $20
Comments: great trader, went through everything smoothly
5dustindroggitis@yahoo.comGamma 1 (277)04/13/2005Traded< $5
5ericcaillibot@hotmail.comgrymstone (21)03/08/2005Traded$5 - $20
5etherealinsanity@hotmail.comHRRNighthawk (11)01/19/2006Traded$5 - $20
Comments: Excellent trader, cards came in the stated condition and arrived very quickly.
5hyc8028@yahoo.comhyc682 (215)02/21/2005Traded< $5
5iccarus@gmail.comiccarus (531)08/04/2005Traded< $5
Comments: quick and easy trade. Thanks!
5kenthomson@shaw.cajaromirjagr (518)07/05/2005Traded$5 - $20
Comments: Great trading.We had some small problems but they were easily worked out.A pleasure.A+
5lagergreen@yahoo.dkMesterjacob (204)10/26/2003Traded$20 - $50
4lchanzer@gmail.commrdumost00 (107)10/11/2003Traded$5 - $20
Comments: [Updated 10/24/2003]
5miseatron@gmail.commiseatron (76)10/18/2005Traded$5 - $20
Comments: Great trader, fast shipment and good packaging. A+++
5mjjonesy1@outlook.compurduejonesy (28)02/20/2006Traded$5 - $20
5mlenyo@alumni.iu.eduMLenyo (8)11/02/2005Traded< $5
Comments: Quick, easy trade, thanks!
5nextzizou10@yahoo.comi_use_white (75)11/01/2003Traded$5 - $20
Comments: good trader... what more isthere to say!?
5polszews@hotmail.comdicemanxx (126)03/07/2005Traded$5 - $20
Comments: A pleasure - sends out in a fast, secure manner, with all cards in stated condition. A+!
5priitlumi@msn.comPriitStyx (10)08/12/2005Traded$5 - $20
Comments: Excellent trader, cards were very well packed
5redman.christoher@yahoo.comcreamedcorn (422)07/10/2005Traded$5 - $20
Comments: hope to deal with again
5rehsa15@yahoo.comSharkey (342)11/24/2005Traded$5 - $20
Comments: Excellent! Got the cards quickly and in great condition. Thanks!
5shaolan_27@hotmail.comShaolan_27 (Banned)04/15/2005Traded< $5
Comments: great and fast trader hope deal again.
5sorrowscards@sbcglobal.netSorrow (187)02/23/2005Traded$5 - $20
Comments: Thanks for the quick send. Cards were in good condition.
5stinkymoldynut@aol.comAvatar of Beef (12)11/25/2003Traded$5 - $20
5tanderson1982@hotmail.comtheworm (11)03/04/2005Traded$5 - $20
Comments: great trader would definitly trade with again
5thedarkside9919@yahoo.coml)ark-Side- (Banned)11/14/2003Traded$5 - $20
Comments: A+ trader!
5thibor53@yahoo.comPhilbert (Banned)08/05/2005Traded$20 - $50
5tkaplan1025@yahoo.comReekazoids (51)02/22/2006Traded$5 - $20
5urmomisme333@yahoo.comMonoBlackController (30)02/21/2005Traded$5 - $20
Comments: Great trader. Highly recommended.
5wanda_ouellette_1@hotmail.comoracle (Banned)03/06/2006Traded$5 - $20
Comments: Grear fast trader.
5wizardoftheeastcoast@verizon.netWizard of the Eastcoast (23)04/02/2005Traded$5 - $20
Comments: Great Trader, Would like to trade again
5wolrams@shaw.caKANCHO (121)03/11/2005Traded$5 - $20
5yebbykilo@gmail.comtactics (61)04/17/2005Traded< $5
Comments: great trader! Fast shipping! :-)

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