E-Mail Address |
MOTL UserName (Refs) |
Date Added |
Deal Type |
Deal Value |
5 | ajk88@rogers.com | killarek (30) | 12/24/2001 | Traded | $5 - $20 |
Comments: Great Trade, cards well protected.. |
5 | alexalet@aol.com | Lord Lothar (3) | 12/10/2001 | Traded | $5 - $20 |
Comments: Great Trader, cards were sent fast |
5 | amunsie@comcast.net | amunsie (35) | 03/14/2002 | Traded | $5 - $20 |
Comments: Great guy. Would recommend him to anyone. |
5 | antam@defnet.com | Odie (233) | 01/10/2002 | Traded | $5 - $20 |
Comments: No problems. Good Trader. |
5 | archchaiz@hotmail.com | @rchChaiZ (188) | 10/24/2001 | Bought | $50 - $100 |
Comments: great trader. |
5 | bdimiero@2die4.com | CursedHammer (44) | 08/22/2001 | Traded | $5 - $20 |
Comments: he was a good trader i didnt see anything wrong with him |
5 | beebleboy2@hotmail.com | El-Hajjaj (Banned) | 08/18/2001 | Traded | < $5 |
Comments: Sent very quickly, cards look perfect, great trader! |
5 | bennydjazz@yahoo.com | BobaFett1234 (0) | 01/12/2002 | Traded | < $5 |
Comments: Cards came in great condition. Good trader |
5 | bernieb_64@yahoo.com | BernieB (360) | 12/19/2001 | Traded | $20 - $50 |
Comments: Great trader, cards arrived quickly and in the expected condition, highly recommended!!! |
5 | biscompte@skynet.be | | 12/04/2001 | Traded | $5 - $20 |
Comments: great trader !! cards were in perfect condition and well protected ! will trade again with |
5 | bktan@magix.com.sg | christophebnag (Banned) | 02/22/2002 | Traded | $20 - $50 |
5 | blablabla@fu.org | | 08/22/2001 | Traded | $5 - $20 |
Comments: So fast! A great trader - sent first, safe package, perfect condition! A+! I hope to do it again! |
5 | brian@asling.ca | | 08/31/2001 | Traded | $5 - $20 |
Comments: Great trader. Would recomend anytime. |
5 | brods@trianglenet.net | m_brodahl (85) | 04/13/2002 | Traded | < $5 |
Comments: Got my cards fast!! Easy to trade with and responded fast! |
5 | buddychrist@mail2president.com | TheLoneCalf (20) | 09/04/2001 | Traded | $5 - $20 |
Comments: good times, good times |
5 | chrisnrach@msn.com | ccoutts (16) | 02/28/2002 | Traded | $5 - $20 |
Comments: quick trader, cards came in excellent condition would trade again |
5 | crisciti@hotmail.com | crisciti (116) | 01/17/2002 | Traded | $5 - $20 |
Comments: Great trader! |
5 | demonic_tutor666@hotmail.com | Big Stank (Banned) | 08/31/2001 | Traded | $5 - $20 |
Comments: Good trader...would trade again... |
5 | dennisvan_den_brink@hotmail.com | sleepy (51) | 04/02/2002 | Traded | $5 - $20 |
Comments: Great trader,Hope to trade with again |
5 | desmondkiu@hotmail.com | desmondkiu (35) | 10/04/2001 | Traded | $5 - $20 |
5 | desolationspecter@yahoo.com | DesolationSpecter (Banned) | 10/11/2001 | Traded | < $5 |
Comments: Fast and friendly. HIghtly recommend! |
5 | dimar@te.net.ua | DR_ua (8) | 05/31/2002 | Traded | $5 - $20 |
Comments: Excellent trader. Will trade again |
5 | dlbraves@hotmail.com | dlbraves (14) | 12/09/2001 | Traded | $5 - $20 |
5 | dm9688@yahoo.com | dm9688 (Banned) | 02/28/2002 | Traded | $5 - $20 |
5 | dmamer4442@aol.com | dmamer4442@aol.com (197) | 09/04/2001 | Traded | $5 - $20 |
5 | dream@nl.rogers.com | Dream (13) | 02/13/2002 | Traded | $20 - $50 |
5 | dreisgen@videotron.ca | Dreisgen (98) | 03/13/2002 | Traded | $5 - $20 |
Comments: Quick simulsend |
4 | eman@outgun.com | MojoJoJo00 (8) | 01/09/2002 | Traded | $20 - $50 |
5 | escaret@excite.com | Escaret (14) | 03/02/2002 | Traded | $5 - $20 |
Comments: i did a simul send with mike and he got the cards to me faster than i did to him... great communication, speed an packaging |
5 | eskimojoe16@yahoo.com | big_rock_14 (19) | 02/18/2002 | Traded | $5 - $20 |
Comments: great guy would trade w/ again |
5 | fightclubgamer@hotmail.com | StartSpartan (Banned) | 10/30/2001 | Bought | < $5 |
Comments: good seller |
5 | gcowhsu@hotmail.com | gcowhsu (152) | 08/31/2001 | Traded | $5 - $20 |
Comments: good trader, would trade again, A++ |
5 | gleemax83@hotmail.com | gleemax83 (33) | 12/13/2001 | Traded | $20 - $50 |
5 | goat961@netscape.net | Lord of the Goats (42) | 09/18/2001 | Traded | $5 - $20 |
Comments: excellent trader, A+++ |
5 | godisfake@hotmail.com | dvinyardx (122) | 03/19/2002 | Traded | > $100 |
Comments: this guy is what the phrase "good trader" is all about ! |
5 | goku_dragonball@hotmail.com | Goku_Dragonball79 (Banned) | 09/13/2001 | Traded | $50 - $100 |
5 | graeme.hills@csw.co.uk | End_Game (36) | 08/31/2001 | Traded | $5 - $20 |
Comments: Great trade. All went very smoothly |
5 | greg.kraigher@gmail.com | ifh (213) | 01/05/2002 | Traded | $5 - $20 |
5 | guy007@yucom.be | Guy (58) | 03/05/2002 | Traded | $5 - $20 |
5 | ivanivcec@yahoo.com | ivanivcec (99) | 10/03/2001 | Traded | $5 - $20 |
Comments: Great trader, fast shipment! |
5 | jadalrl@yahoo.com | Mario.420 (Banned) | 01/08/2002 | Traded | $20 - $50 |
5 | jaejo17@comcast.net | RPGfreak17 (231) | 12/28/2001 | Traded | $5 - $20 |
Comments:  |
5 | jdindian72@hotmail.com | JDIndian72 (7) | 08/29/2001 | Traded | $5 - $20 |
Comments: good trader!! |
5 | jfodale@yahoo.com | AsheFire (20) | 03/01/2002 | Traded | $5 - $20 |
Comments: Great trader, would definitely trade again |
5 | jmcgaf@yahoo.com | hooligan495 (24) | 01/03/2002 | Traded | $5 - $20 |
Comments: Very easy to deal with. Highly recommend |
5 | juzam_djinn_tnt@hotmail.com | TnT (27) | 08/13/2001 | Traded | $5 - $20 |
5 | keski85@hotmail.com | rakieski (99) | 12/09/2001 | Traded | $5 - $20 |
Comments: A+ trader |
5 | konkeydong@hotmail.com | XSSJ_Trunks (19) | 08/12/2001 | Traded | $5 - $20 |
5 | lagergreen@yahoo.dk | Mesterjacob (186) | 02/20/2002 | Traded | $5 - $20 |
5 | learned_dragon@yahoo.com | moldman2 (38) | 08/12/2001 | Traded | < $5 |
5 | lgchan@pacific.net.sg | Derrick78 (Banned) | 05/13/2002 | Traded | $20 - $50 |
Comments: Simply excellent. |
5 | limprock50@hotmail.com | eminem67 (Banned) | 11/23/2001 | Traded | $20 - $50 |
5 | madman1234567890@hotmail.com | INsanIty2099 (3) | 03/19/2002 | Traded | $5 - $20 |
Comments: great trader |
5 | magicdealer007@yahoo.com | Ben1983 (124) | 02/05/2002 | Traded | > $100 |
Comments: simul sended for a mox , honest trader, super fast, A++++++++++++++ |
5 | magicman_1980@yahoo.com | magicman_1980 (2) | 12/12/2001 | Traded | $5 - $20 |
5 | magicp9117@aol.com | DeathLord (0) | 01/09/2002 | Traded | $5 - $20 |
Comments: he got me my 200th Misfortune!  |
5 | magusindalecio@hotmail.com | Kupop (24) | 09/05/2001 | Traded | $5 - $20 |
Comments: A+, fantastic! |
5 | mahdishain@hotmail.com | sage of latnam (112) | 12/31/2001 | Traded | $20 - $50 |
5 | masterwolf713@yahoo.com | MasterWolf (87) | 01/28/2002 | Traded | $5 - $20 |
Comments: Great trader! Wish to trade with again. Very fast and responsible! |
5 | mattyu_@hotmail.com | contrarynotion (26) | 10/03/2001 | Traded | < $5 |
Comments: super fast transaction, great trader |
5 | midnight_690_@hotmail.com | Fat_Leech (4) | 06/04/2002 | Traded | $5 - $20 |
Comments: Great Trader! |
5 | nalexvaz@hotmail.com | ZTROIN (Banned) | 03/20/2002 | Traded | $5 - $20 |
Comments: A++++ |
5 | nickl@imap4.asu.edu | SerraBanger (266) | 12/04/2001 | Traded | $5 - $20 |
Comments: Great trader. |
5 | nikeeclipse@hotmail.com | nikeEclipse (86) | 01/31/2002 | Traded | $5 - $20 |
Comments: A++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Trader.. |
5 | nobodyofanyconsequence@hotmail.com | CRAWLING_IN_MY_SKIN!!! (23) | 11/28/2001 | Traded | $20 - $50 |
Comments: Marvellous trader  |
5 | oegoenman@hotmail.com | hurricane16 (103) | 09/13/2001 | Traded | $5 - $20 |
Comments: Fast sending and great packaging! |
5 | osmwt@netscape.net | osmwt (36) | 02/19/2002 | Traded | $20 - $50 |
Comments: Excellent trader, professonal and courteous. |
5 | ppatko@shaw.ca | ppatko (17) | 03/21/2002 | Traded | $20 - $50 |
5 | prichie00@earthlink.net | prichie (46) | 09/19/2001 | Traded | $5 - $20 |
Comments: Great trader and fair negotiator. |
5 | psychosheepinc@aol.com | Reya_DeathBringer (19) | 08/23/2001 | Traded | $5 - $20 |
Comments: Cards were on time and no problem at all |
5 | pwchongo@hotmail.com | Nachoes (17) | 02/06/2002 | Traded | $5 - $20 |
5 | raybabe@shaw.ca | finkelfan (8) | 02/22/2002 | Traded | $5 - $20 |
Comments: A pleasure to trade with. Looking forward to doing repeat business. |
5 | razielx7@aol.com | | 02/10/2002 | Traded | $5 - $20 |
Comments: great trader..would trade with again |
5 | reason@verinet.com | r3as0n (320) | 09/19/2001 | Traded | $5 - $20 |
5 | rishadan_port@hotmail.com | rishadan_port (2) | 01/09/2002 | Traded | $5 - $20 |
Comments: Good trader! A+ |
5 | rodneyenjoisdarkstar@juno.com | blindxxsk8r (18) | 02/03/2002 | Traded | < $5 |
Comments: Great trader! Would trade with again anytime! Easy to negotiate, thanks alot! |
5 | rp@maagia.net | paparaul (19) | 02/24/2002 | Traded | $20 - $50 |
Comments: Excellent, would trade again |
5 | sallymustang351@aol.com | sedgetroll (16) | 08/31/2001 | Traded | $20 - $50 |
Comments: great trader i hope to trade with again very honest |
5 | sarcaster632@yahoo.com | Sarcaster (35) | 11/26/2001 | Traded | $5 - $20 |
Comments: Great trader, Trade was very fast, easy to work with |
5 | sixphan03@yahoo.com | sixphan (14) | 08/27/2001 | Traded | $5 - $20 |
5 | stefandf@aol.com | bloatedtoad44 (44) | 12/10/2001 | Traded | $20 - $50 |
Comments: Excellent trader. Super fast shipment |
5 | super13pill@pacbell.net | super13pill (7) | 12/26/2001 | Traded | $5 - $20 |
Comments: great, fast, easy trade. |
5 | thanatos_25@hotmail.com | Alex Wright (54) | 01/22/2002 | Traded | $20 - $50 |
Comments: Great trader! Responded quickly and cards were in great shape! |
5 | themuzikman8@yahoo.com | Necro_dude (33) | 09/05/2001 | Traded | $5 - $20 |
Comments: Great Trade! Would gladly trade with again. |
5 | timetwista@yahoo.com | Tha Gunslinga (755) | 01/08/2002 | Traded | $5 - $20 |
Comments: Thanks. A few problems, but mpgriffin was quite honest and helpful and fixed the problem. Better than a lot of MOTL traders. Would trade with again in a heartbeat. |
5 | tristalmtg@hotmail.com | Tristal (187) | 12/03/2001 | Traded | $20 - $50 |
Comments: Outstanding deal, great condition. A+. |
5 | turgeson@collegeclub.com | r_atm (Banned) | 12/20/2001 | Traded | $5 - $20 |
5 | vagueman@hotmail.com | Requiem (14) | 09/13/2001 | Traded | $5 - $20 |
Comments: Wow! What a great trader!!! |
5 | vincentlaflamme@hotmail.com | supratrader (393) | 02/11/2002 | Traded | $20 - $50 |
Comments: Great trader |
5 | voice_of_allwing@sinaman.com | Voice of all - WingG (146) | 12/20/2001 | Traded | $5 - $20 |
Comments: A great trader ! Fast & Clean trading, recommed to all ! |
5 | wbmorton@rogers.com | trezrbox (148) | 11/23/2001 | Traded | $5 - $20 |
Comments: excellent trade, quick and easy, as good as you could hope for |
5 | western_warrior@hotmail.com | Ma Chao (59) | 08/13/2001 | Traded | $5 - $20 |
Comments: A wonderful trader. Would trade with again. |
5 | willy@hoej.net | SnapsDK (56) | 08/21/2001 | Bought | $20 - $50 |
Comments: Great trader, lots of Ebay refs. fast shipping, just perfect! |
5 | wilmisticblu@aol.com | | 09/03/2001 | Traded | < $5 |
Comments: sent fast, great trader, reccomended would trader with again  |
5 | wombulator@hotmail.com | wombulator (168) | 01/10/2002 | Traded | $20 - $50 |
Comments: Good times |